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<<<<<<< HEAD <<<<<<< HEAD <<<<<<< HEAD <<<<<<< HEAD <<<<<<< HEAD

REST API with SQL database using a TDD Approach:


Add task User can add a task from the add task button View all tasks User can see tasks Delete a task User can delete tasks by specifying an id Update / Edit a task User can update/edit task

Test Driven Approach -TDD

We have written test cases for all four functions(add, update, delete, view) in file. Run this command in cmd to test these functions. python -m

Download / Clone

Clone the repo using Git: Git clone

Live here (for add function) (for delete function) (for update function) (for view function)



<<<<<<< HEAD

  1. git clone -b grpc-api grpc-api
  2. cd grpc-api/nosql
  3. In terminal run this command to start grpc server "python"
  4. In another terminal run this command to start flask "python"
  5. To create a task call this api with "POST" method "localhost:5000/api/v1.0/create" in json format send these data (title, description, status) it will return every thing that has been inserted including unqiue id
  6. To view any specific task call this api with "GET" method "localhost:5000/api/v1.0/task/uniqueID" it will return data in json format
  7. To update any specific task call this api with "PUT" method "localhost:5000/api/v1.0/task/uniqueID" in json format send these data (title, description, status) it will return every thing that has been updated including unqiue id
  8. To Delete any specific task call this api with "DELETE" method "localhost:5000/api/v1.0/task/uniqueID"

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Todo List Adobe XD


alt text


alt text

809dd8fb070d62f0e9b8ec7c85899929645a1e63 ======= The Ultimate Todo App ====================

Simple Progressive Web Application

  • Service Worker Implemented All files will be chached and User is able to use Offline App

  • Manifest.json Add home screen icon and handle page orientation of App


  • Add a Todo: Todo will be shown in upcoming list in side navigation bar
  • Edit Todo: Todo title and description will be updated
  • Completed Todo: Todo will be marked as completed and shown in finished list in side navigation bar
  • Delete Todo: Todo will be deleted from homepage

27fe86f065e51bb47665abc1076495ffd33cdcf9 =======

Ultimate_todo_list using in-memory, persistence(coredata), firestore and REST API.

How to Run:

  1. Open terminal
  2. cd project-path
  3. pod install
  4. open .xcworkspace file.
  5. Run (in xcode)

08e57f99c864c458d89a83d00dfdf9523faf4caf ======= The Ultimate Todo App =====================

Google’s Firebase Firestore Database Todo Client App using the TDD Approach

======= The Ultimate Todo App

Persistent Todo Client App using the IndexedDB and TDD Approach


Progressive Web Application - PWA

  • Service worker

All files will be cached and user can use app offline

  • Manifest

Add to homescreen feature


  • Add a todo

User can add to-do's from the add task button

  • Read all todos

User can see to-do's

  • Delete a todo

User can delete to-do's

  • Update / Edit a todo

User can update/edit to-do's

  • Mark as done/ undone

User can mark a to-do as upcoming task or finished task

Test Driven Approach - TDD


npm install

Run the test

npm test


<<<<<<< HEAD Google’s Firebase Firestore Database function's TDD tested

Live here

IndexedDB function's TDD tested using fake-indexeddb

Live here



Download / Clone

Clone the repo using Git:

Git clone

Developed by

<<<<<<< HEAD

Soha Moosa from Team Beta

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Soha Moosa from Team Beta
