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System Integration

zufuliu edited this page May 26, 2024 · 18 revisions

⚠WARNING: modify system integration requires Administrator privileges. After run Notepad4.exe or matepath.exe as Administrator:

For Notepad4, click menu "Settings" -> "Advanced Settings" -> "System Integration...".

For matepath, click context menu "Options...", then click "Locations" (the last tab).

System Integration

Following system integration are based on the article Notepad2 ― Replacing Windows Notepad by Florian. See Command Line Switches for how to configure Notepad4 as external tool for other applications.

Add Notepad4 or matepath to Windows Explorer's Context Menu

For Notepad4, when checked, following registries are added:

    (Default)               REG_SZ      Edit with Notepad4
    icon                    REG_SZ      Notepad4.exe
        (Default)           REG_SZ      "Notepad4.exe" "%1"

for matepath, when checked, following registries are added:

    (Default)               REG_SZ      Open in matepath
    icon                    REG_SZ      matepath.exe
        (Default)           REG_SZ      "matepath.exe" "%1"

where Edit with Notepad4 or Open in matepath is the "Context menu text" field on System Integration dialog; Notepad4.exe or matepath.exe is the full path to Notepad4.exe or matepath.exe.

💡Note 1: Notepad2 and Notepad2-mod adds registries to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Notepad2.exe, which has .exe suffix. If you installed them before, you may end up with two "Edit with Notepad2" context menus.

💡Note 2: On Windows XP, app may fail to remove this integration when this option is unchecked, in this case, please run regedit.exe manually, then delete HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Notepad4 or HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\matepath.

Enable Taskbar Jump List

For Notepad4, when checked, following registries are added:

    AppUserModelID          REG_SZ      Notepad4 Text Editor
    FriendlyAppName         REG_SZ      Notepad4 Text Editor
        (Default)           REG_SZ      "Notepad4.exe" "%1"

for matepath, when checked, following registries are added:

    AppUserModelID          REG_SZ      matepath File Browser
    FriendlyAppName         REG_SZ      matepath File Browser
        (Default)           REG_SZ      "matepath.exe" "%1"

where AppUserModelID is the ShellAppUserModelID preference (in Settings2 section), see for the usage. FriendlyAppName is the "Application name" field on System Integration dialog.

💡Note 1: For Notepad4, enable Jump List will enable using system MRU (the ShellUseSystemMRU preference in Settings2 section, default enabled).

💡Note 2: Taskbar Jump List for matepath currently not work, but this option can be used to change app name for matepath's taskbar icon.

💡Note 3: On Windows XP, app may fail to remove this integration when this option is unchecked, in this case, please run regedit.exe manually, then delete HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\Notepad4.exe or HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\matepath.exe.

Replace Windows Notepad via registry

For Notepad4 only, when checked, following registries are added:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\notepad.exe
    (Default)                               REG_SZ      Notepad4.exe
    Debugger                                REG_SZ      "Notepad4.exe" /z
    UseFilter                               REG_DWORD   0