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Simplifying the construction of network cluster services


Based on Netty network framework and Springboot framework.

The target is let easy to build a network cluster server. Minimize the use of third-party dependency libraries as much as possible.

Architecture diagram



Existing features

  1. Supports multiple network protocols, including TCP, UDP, HTTP, and WEBSOCKET and MQTT; Multiple protocols can be configured on the same port.
  1. Supports multi-node clusters and dynamic node joining and exiting
  1. Supports message forwarding between internal and external networks

  2. Supports distributed transactions server-message-queue module

Modules introduction

  1. server-framework: The core module of the framework, which provides the basic configuration of the framework, and the configuration of the network protocol, the message forwarding, and the message processing.

  2. server-database: The database module of the framework, use Mybatis and MySQL to implement the database operation. If you need to use a MySQL database, you can use it.that is optional.

  3. server-cache: The cache module of the framework, use Redisson to implement the Redis cache operation, and use Caffeine to implement the local cache operation. If you need to use a caching module, you can use it.that is optional.

  4. server-permission: The permission module of the framework, Use Spring AOP and annotations to control interface permissions. The HTTP protocol uses the request header entrainment JWT method, the permissions field in the UserSession is used for TCP and UDP and WebSocket. If you need to use a permission module, you can use it.that is optional.

  5. server-access-control: The access control module of the framework, Use Spring AOP and annotations and Guava library to limit the rate of the interface. You can limit the rate of interfaces uniformly or based on user granularity, and configure IP blacklists and whitelists. If you need to use a access control module, you can use it.that is optional.

  6. server-message-queue: The message queue module of the framework, Use the server-framework module to develop a message queue module that supports message subscription and message push. If you need to use a message queue module, you can use it.that is optional.

  7. gateway-serverhall-serverroom-server: These are three sample nodes of the cluster, and you can refer to their configurations to get your own cluster

How to use

  1. You must had installed JDK 1.8+ and Maven 3.x
  2. Switch to the project directory and run mvn clean install
  3. Add the server-framework dependency in your project
  1. Add the server-framework Configuration to your Springboot project application.yml file.
    tcpHeader: THBS # TCP header
    udpHeader: UHBS # UDP header
    id: 1000 #Current node id
      insideClient: 5 #inside client side business thread pool size
      insideServer: 5 #inside server side business thread pool size
      outsideServer: 5 #outside server side business thread pool size
      enable: true #Whether to enable the outside server
      port: 5555 #Outside server port
      protocol: "TCP,UDP,WEBSOCKET,HTTP,MQTT" #Outside server protocol,Which protocols to use.
      - host:
        port: 6000
        type: gateway #Inside server type,that's namespace customized
        clientSize: 1 #Connect to inside server client size
        weight: 10 #Inside server weight
        id: 1000 #Inside server id; At least one id in the list of insideServers is associated with the current node id
      - host:
        port: 6003
        type: hall
        clientSize: 1
        id: 2000
      - host:
        port: 6006
        type: room
        clientSize: 1
        id: 3000
  1. Define the HTTP message handler as follows
@OutsideMessageHandler(value = 0, uri = "/index", protocol = Protocol.HTTP)
public class IndexAction extends HttpServerMessageDispatcher {

    public void handle(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, HttpPacket httpPacket) {
        List<String> genealogies = new ArrayList<>();
        responseJson(httpPacket, genealogies);


        QueueMessageSender.publish("hall", "test", genealogies.toString());
  1. Define the WEBSOCKET message handler as follows
@OutsideMessageHandler(value = 100, protocol = Protocol.WEBSOCKET)
public class LoginChatRoomAction extends ServerMessageDispatcher {

   private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LoginChatRoomAction.class);

   public void handle(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, NetworkPacket.Decoder decoder) {
      String username = decoder.readStr();
      String channelId = decoder.readStr();
      int userId = Math.abs(username.hashCode());"login chat room username:{},channelId:{},userId:{}", username, channelId, userId);
      //notify client login success
      NetworkPacket.Builder builder = decoder.toBuilder().writeInt(userId).writeStr(;
      //forward to room server
      forward2insideServerUseSender(builder, "room", userId);

   public Object threadKey(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, NetworkPacket.Decoder decoder) {
      return decoder.readStr();
  1. Client side network packet and server side network packet as follows


  1. Define the transaction queue message handler at sender side as follows
@MessageListener(topic = "test", serverType = "hall")
public class MessageQueueTest implements TransactionQueueMessageSenderHandler {
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MessageQueueTest.class);

    public void handleCallback(CallbackMessage callbackMessage) {"callbackMessage = {}", callbackMessage);

    public int consumerSize() {
        return 2;

    public boolean handle(Long msgId, String objJson) {
        logger.debug("handle msgId = {},objJson = {}", msgId, objJson);
        return true;

    public boolean rollback(Long msgId, String objJson) {
        logger.debug("rollback msgId = {},objJson = {}", msgId, objJson);
        return true;
  1. Define the transaction queue message handler at receiver side as follows
@MessageListener(topic = "test", serverType = "hall")
public class MessageQueueTest implements TransactionQueueMessageHandler {
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MessageQueueTest.class);

    public boolean handle(Long msgId, String objJson) {
        logger.debug("handle msgId = {},objJson = {}", msgId, objJson);
        return false;

    public boolean rollback(Long msgId, String objJson) {
        logger.debug("rollback msgId = {},objJson = {}", msgId,objJson);
        return false;
  1. Publish the transaction queue message as follows
@OutsideMessageHandler(value = 0, uri = "/index", protocol = Protocol.HTTP)
public class IndexAction extends HttpServerMessageDispatcher {

    public void handle(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, HttpPacket httpPacket) {
        List<String> genealogies = new ArrayList<>();
        responseJson(httpPacket, genealogies);
        // publish transaction queue message 
        QueueMessageSender.publish("hall", "test", genealogies.toString());

How to develop

  1. You must had installed JDK 1.8+ and Maven 3.x
  2. Clone the project and import it into your IDE
  3. Run the project

Stress test

  • Jvm configuration parameters as follows

-Xms512m -Xmx512m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError

  • The interface tested was IndexAction, as follows
@PermissionAuth(permission = {})
//@AccessLimit(userRateSize = 1, globalRateSize = 2)
@OutsideMessageHandler(value = 0, uri = "/index", protocol = Protocol.HTTP)
public class IndexAction extends HttpServerMessageDispatcher {
   private IGenealogyService genealogyService;

   public void handle(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, HttpPackage httpPacket) {
      final List<Genealogy> genealogies = genealogyService.listAll();
      //System.out.println("genealogies = " + genealogies);
      responseJson(ctx, httpPacket, genealogies);
      QueueMessageSender.publish("hall", "test", genealogies.toString());

   public Object threadKey(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, NetworkPacket.Decoder decoder) {
      return null;
  • The stress test tool is jmeter, and the configuration is as follows



  • Test result




调试资源泄露,启动时添加:-Xms12m -Xmx12m -Dio.netty.leakDetection.level=paranoid


  1. 内网不同协议的转发
  2. 外网消息转发到内网处理器中
  3. 外部用户登录
  4. 用户消息内网转发
  5. 用户消息外网转发
  6. 群组消息内网转发
  7. 群组消息外网转发
  8. serverType写在framework中需要解决
  9. 服务端、客户端消息转发待测试
  10. 延迟线程池装配,任务执行完之后,处理逻辑
  11. http协议抽离
  12. 完善readme
  13. mysqlmybatisredismq等配置
  14. 本地缓存~~~~,缓存失效时间,缓存失效时,重新查询数据库
  15. 请求限流
  16. 内网消息队列和失败重发机制添加权重转发机制
  17. 为避免长时间占用链接,没有登录的链接,服务端添加心跳检测机制,如果超过一定时间没有收到心跳,则主动断开链接
  18. 外网支持协议配置化
  19. 内网消息重组支持延迟消息可靠消息(保证送达与幂等性)
  20. 分布式事务?
  21. 内网服务器登录,将已登录的session同步给登录服务器
  22. 内网服务登出,同步消息给登录服务器
  23. 用户登录接口抽离由使用框架者实现同时还有用户登录内网同步和登出内网同步接口
  24. 内网消息不可达时,可选路由到相同类型的其他节点
  25. 消息转发,重复发送检测
  26. MQTT协议支持?
  27. 协议头配置化
  28. 注册接口?
  29. 接口权限控制?
  30. 做一个im群组聊天室,测试框架完善度
  31. 让内部服务客户端发送同步消息(客户端发送等待服务端返回消息)
  32. 重构NetworkPacket,body部分改成rawBody、extendBody,方便扩展
  33. udp协议问题修复,消息体改版后其他模块的适配
  34. 消息解码时,添加消息体长度校验:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
  35. 转发延迟时间单位可选