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Zwetan Kjukov edited this page Apr 15, 2016 · 6 revisions

How to Build

minimum requirements:

  • Java
  • Ant v1.9.1
  • Adobe Flex SDK 4.6

simply run
$ ant

If you are not sure how to setup all those things
command-line, Java, Ant, Flex SDK, etc.
you can follow the detailed instructions
Redtamarin / Developer Environment
follow the setup from "The Development Stack"
to "Flex SDK", and ignore the rest.

Custom Build

Create a custom property file

Copy the file build/ to the root of the project as


FLEX_HOME_MAC = /sdk/flex/4_6
FLEX_HOME_WIN = c:/sdk/flex/4_6

local.flashplayerversion = 11
local.swfversion = 13

build.component = true
build.noswc = false
build.noabc = false

build.documentation = true
build.nodoc = false
build.fatswc = true

build.release = true
build.nozip = false

The main property you probably want to edit is

  • FLEX_HOME_MAC if you run the build under Mac OS X
  • FLEX_HOME_WIN if you run the build under Windows
  • a Linux build should be able to be supported too, not done yet (TODO)

The other properties configure different sections of the build

  • component
    compile the library component
  • documentation
    generate the HTML documentation
  • release
    generate the release files

Each sections are separated by a blank line,
under each section you have options related to the section

  • build.component = true will build the all components
    both SWC and ABC files
  • if you don't want the ABC file you can turn the option off
    build.noabc = false
  • if you turned off the whole section with
    build.component = false then the following options are ignored
    build.noswc, build.noabc

If a section is dependent on another section and you disable it, the build will break and generate an error.

Once you have edited the file
you can simply run the build $ ant.

Pass command-line arguments to the Build

Another way to customise the build is to use command-line arguments.

For example:

$ ant -Dbuild.noabc=true

If you have Flash Builder 4.7 installed on Mac OS X,
you could do something like

$ ant -DFLEX_HOME_MAC='/Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.7/sdks/4.6.0'

ActionScript 3.0 Everywhere

This library is somewhat special, I wanted to show that you can port ActionScript 3.0 source code to more environments than just Flash.

So yeah you can write code that will be compatible between Flash (for the web) and AIR (for desktop and mobile).

But you can also write code that can be used with another runtime: Redtamarin.

The Redtamarin project reuse the same ActionScript Virtual Machine (or AVM2) than the one used inside Flash and AIR, and also allow to produce command-line programs.

In exchange of a slightly more complicated setup, it provide to the developers more options: being able to track with Google Analytics on the command-line, on the server-side.

Yes it is allowed, in the Measurement Protocol Overview you can read

Send data from both the client and server.

It would have been a shame to not make it work ;).