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This repository contains sample projects and starter templates for building Apps for the Tradeshift Platform. Additional documentation about how to build these apps is available at our Apps site.

Currently, there are three sample apps available:

Feature Java Spring.boot Node.js PHP
OAUTH2 Connection X X X
Authorization with Tradeshift Servers using OAUTH2 three-legged approach (docs) X X X
Tradeshift APIs - getting documents X X
Tradeshift APIs - getting user information X X
Angular.js frontend talking to RESTful backend X X X
Using Tradeshift's UI Components, including table and tabs X X X
i18n support on the client side X X X
i18n support on the server side X X X
Check health function for monitoring X X X
Front-end basic test to get you started X X X
Back-end basic test to get you started X X
Tasks Service Example X
Webhooks Example X X
JWT (id_token) Decoding X

Back-end REST API

Request Description Java Spring.boot Node.js PHP
GET /document/documents invoice documents (calls TS API) X X
GET /account/info company info (calls TS API) X X
GET /demo/grid-data sample data for table X X X
GET /locale Server-side i18n X X
GET /locale/translations Server-side i18n X
GET /jwt/id-token JWT Token Decoded X
GET /tasks current user's tasks list (calls TS API) X
POST /tasks Create task (calls TS API) X
PUT /tasks/{id}?action=complete Complete task (calls TS API) X
GET /webhooks/eventsStatus Server notifies UI of webhook received X
POST /webhooks (Public API) Receive event from Tradeshift webhook X X
GET /health (Public) Health check X X X

Installing the Sample Apps

Here is a short video (12 minutes) that shows you how to fully deploy and configure the Java Sample App onto Tradeshift.

The sample apps all aim to show same things, and the Front-end code talking to different Back-ends is almost identical:



The apps are designed to be hosted on any service. We tested these Apps on Heroku.

More information about creating Apps on Tradeshift is available in our [developer documentation] (

Any feedback is welcome - please let us know at email apps at tradeshift dot com.


Third party developer samples.







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Contributors 4
