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Material Lua Remake

A UI library inspired by Material Lua.
This library has pretty much the exact same usage as Material Lua, but with a different look and more stuff to work with.
this is not meant to resemble a Material-style

Last Updated: June 1, 2023

This ui library is not completely finished yet, however it is usable.

Table of Contents


local Material = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""), "MaterialLuaRemake.lua")()

Material Lua Remake is 100% backwards compatible! (with the exception of Themes).
This means you can replace the Material Lua loadstring and it will still work!


local old;old = hookfunction(game.HttpGet, function(self, url)
    if url == "" then
        return old(self, "")
    return old(self, url)

If you would like to use Remake instead of Material Lua on your favorite scripts, then execute this before your script!


<UI> Material.Load(<table> Options)

Creates a new UI with Options.
Note: Remake does not support Themes or ColorOverrides yet.


local UI = Material.Load({
    Title = "cool script",
    SubTitle = "",
    Icon = "images/icon.png",
    ShowInNavigator = true,
    Style = 3,
    SizeX = 400,
    SizeY = 505,
    NavigatorSize = 200,
    Theme = "Dark",
    ThemeOverrides = {}


Name Type Default Description
Title String Material Lua Remake The title of the UI
SubTitle String nil The sub title shown next to/below the title (depends on ShowInNavigator)
Icon String, Number nil The icon shown on the left of the title.
This will only be visible while ShowInNavigator is enabled
Recommended Image Size: 40x40
ShowInNavigator Boolean false If enabled, the title, subtitle, and icon will be visible in the navigator
Style must be either 3 or 4.
Style Number 3 The UI style (1, 2, 3, or 4)
SizeX Number 400 The width of the UI
SizeY Number 505 The height of the UI
NavigatorSize Number 200 The size of the Navigator
Style must be either 3 or 4.
Theme String Dark The theme of the UI (Dark, Light, or Mocha)
ThemeOverrides Table {} Custom overrides to change the color of specific elements

UI Styles

Style Description
1 The UI will display Tabs for each page
2 The UI will display Tabs for each page which have a lighter gray color
3 A 'Menu' button will be visible in the topbar on the left-hand side.
Clicking this will toggle the 'Navigator' which shows a vertical list of all pages.
This style can be used to show small icons beside every button.
4 The 'Navigator' will always be visible and will be attached to the left side of the UI contents.
The 'Navigator' cannot be toggle-able with this style.
Note that this will increase the size of the UI on the X axis based on the size of the 'Navigator'.


Theme Description
Dark The default theme. A theme on the darker side with a variety of dark and light shades of gray
Light A theme on the brighter side with a combination of rich and light shades of purple.
Inspired by the Light theme from Material Lua.
Mocha A theme on the brighter side with a variety of brown and tan colors.
Inspired by the Mocha theme from Material Lua.

<Page><table> Options)

Creates a new Page with Options.
Aliases: UI.New


local Page = UI.New({
    Title = "cool script",
    ImageId = "Icons\\Image.png",
    ImageSize =, 20)

-- The ImageId can be the following:
-- rbxassetid://12345678 (a roblox image id)
-- 12345678 (a roblox image id without rbxassetid, this can be a string or number)
-- Icons\\Image.png (a file path, such as an image created with writefile)


Name Type Default Description
Title String Page The title of the Page
ImageId String, Number nil The image's id
ImageSize Vector2 30, 30 The size of the image


<void> UI.Banner(<table> Options)
<void> UI.Banner(<string> Text)

Creates a new Banner with Options.
If you provide a string instead of a table, it will use that as the text.


local UI = UI.Banner({ -- You can use a table for more utility
    Text = "Would you like to copy this random text to your clipboard for no reason?",
    Callback = function(button)
        if button == "Yes" then
            UI.Banner("Success!") -- .. or use a string for quality of life
        elseif button == "No" then
            UI.Banner("unsuccessful :(")
    Options = {"Yes", "No"}


Name Type Default Description
Text String nil The text shown in the Banner
Callback Function nil The Banner's callback
This is called when clicking one
of the buttons on the Banner
Options Table {"OK"} The buttons on the Banner
Font EnumItem Enum.Font.Gotham The font that is displayed on the Banner


<void> UI.Notify(<table> Options)
<void> UI.Notify(<string> Text)

Creates a new Notification with Options.
If you provide a string instead of a table, it will use that as the text.


    Title = "Alert",
    Text = "something happened",
    Duration = 5,
    Callback = function(value)
        if value == "OK" then
            -- do something
    Options = {"OK", "CANCEL"}


Name Type Default Description
Title String Material Lua Remake The Notification's title
Text String Notification The main body of text shown in the Notification
Duration Number 3 How long the Notification will be displayed
Callback Function nil The Notification's callback
This is called when clicking one
of the buttons on the Notification
Options Table {"OK"} The buttons on the Notification


<void> UI.Toggle(<bool?> Visible)

Toggles UI visibility. If no argument is provided, it will set it to the opposite as the current visibility.


local keybind = Enum.KeyCode.RightShift
game:GetService("UserInputService").InputBegan:Connect(function(i, gp)
    if not gp and i.KeyCode == keybind then


<void> UI.OpenPage(<string> Page)

Opens the specified Page.


UI.OpenPage("Page 1")


<RBXScriptSignal> UI.PageOpened

Fires when a page is opened.


UI.PageOpened:Connect(function(page, count)
    if page == "Page1" and count == 1 then
        UI.Banner("whatever you want to say when the page is opened for the first time")


Parameter Type Description
1 String The page that was opened
2 Number The amount of times that page has been opened

Page Elements


<Button> Page.Button(<table> Options)

Creates a new Button with Options.


local Button = Page.Button({
    Text = "Button",
    Callback = function()
        print("Button clicked")


Name Type Default Description
Text String Button The text shown on the Button
Callback Function nil The Button's callback
Center Boolean false If enabled, the text on the button will be centered


Method Description
void SetText(string Text) Sets the Button's text
string GetText() Returns the Button's text
number GetId() Returns the Button's Id
void Destroy() Destroys the Button


<Toggle> Page.Toggle(<table> Options)

Creates a new Toggle with Options.


local Toggle = Page.Toggle({
    Text = "Toggle",
    Callback = function(value)
        print("Enabled:", value)
    Enabled = true


Name Type Default Description
Text String Toggle The text shown on the Toggle
Callback Function nil The Toggle's callback
Enabled Boolean false Determines if the Toggle is enabled by default or not


Method Description
void SetText(string Text) Sets the Toggle's text
string GetText() Returns the Toggle's text
number GetId() Returns the Toggle's Id
void SetState(bool State) Sets the Toggle's state
bool GetState() Returns the Toggle's state
void Destroy() Destroys the Toggle


<Dropdown> Page.Dropdown(<table> Options)

Creates a new Dropdown with Options.


local Dropdown = Page.Dropdown({
    Text = "Dropdown",
    Callback = function(value)
        print("Selected:", value)
    Options = {"1", "2", "3"},
    Def = "2"


Name Type Default Description
Text String Dropdown The text shown on the Dropdown
Callback Function nil The Dropdown's callback
Options Table {"Option"} The Dropdown's available options
Def String Option The Dropdown's default option


Method Description
void SetText(string Text) Sets the Dropdown's text
string GetText() Returns the Dropdown's text
number GetId() Returns the Dropdown's Id
void SetOptions(table Options) Sets the Dropdown's options
table GetOptions() Returns the Dropdown's options
void Destroy() Destroys the Dropdown


<TextBox> Page.TextBox(<table> Options)

Creates a new TextBox with Options.
Aliases: Page.TextField


local TextBox = Page.TextBox({
    Text = "Text Box",
    Callback = function(value)
    Type = "Default",
    ClearOnFocus = false


Name Type Default Description
Text String Text Box The text shown on the Text Box
Callback Function nil The Text Box's callback
Type String Default The Text Box's type.
ClearOnFocus Boolean false Determines if the Text Box clears on focus
Center Boolean false Determines if the Text Box's text is centered
Hidden Boolean false Same behavior as setting Type to Password
Font EnumItem Enum.Font.Gotham The font that is displayed on the TextBox
Size Number 30 The height of the TextBox

Text Box Types

Types Description
Default The TextBox's contents will be visible
Password The TextBox's contents will be hidden


Method Description
void SetText(string Text) Sets the Text Box's text
string GetText() Returns the Text Box's text
number GetId() Returns the Text Box's Id
void Destroy() Destroys the Text Box


<Label> Page.Label(<table> Options)

Creates a new Label with Options.


local Bind ="BindableEvent")
local Label = Page.Label({
    Text = "Label",
    Event = Bind, -- Use the INSTANCE, NOT the signal
    Center = true,
    Transparent = true

    Bind:Fire(workspace.Part.Position) -- Easily update the Label's text with a connection!
    -- You can also use multiple arguments instead of concatenating like 'print' (ex: Event:Fire("Current Position:", workspace.Part.Position) )


Name Type Default Description
Text String Label The text shown on the Label
Event BindableEvent nil The Label's text can be updated by firing this BindableEvent
Center Boolean false Determines if the Label's text is centered
Transparent Boolean false Determines if the Label's background is transparent
Font EnumItem Enum.Font.Gotham The font shown on the Label
Size Number 30 The height of the Label


Method Description
void SetText(string Text) Sets the Label's text
string GetText() Returns the Label's text
number GetId() Returns the Label's Id
void Destroy() Destroys the Label


<Slider> Page.Slider(<table> Options)

Creates a new Slider with Options.


local Slider = Page.Slider({
    Text = "Slider",
    Callback = function(value)
        print("Enabled:", value)
    Min = 0,
    Max = 123789,
    Def = 0


Name Type Default Description
Text String Slider The text shown on the Slider
Callback Function nil The Slider's callback
Min Number 0 The Slider's minimum value
Max Number 10 The Slider's maximum value
Def Number 5 The Slider's default value
Prefix String nil Displayed at the front of the value (ex: $5)
Suffix String nil Displayed at the end of the value (ex: 5$)
ReturnWithAffixes Boolean false Determines if the return values include the prefixes/suffixes
Decimals Number 0 Determines how many decimal places the number has.
ex. 2 will return numbers like 1.23
Toggle Boolean false If enabled, a Toggle will be shown on the Slider
Enabled Boolean false Determines if the Toggle is enabled by default or not.
Toggle must be enabled for this to work
ToggleCallback Function nil The Toggle's callback
Filled Boolean false If enabled, the indicator will be hidden and the style of the Slider will be similar to the ProgressBar


Method Description
void SetText(string Text) Sets the Slider's text
string GetText() Returns the Slider's text
number GetId() Returns the Slider's Id
void SetMin(number Min) Sets the Slider's minimum value
void SetMax(number Max) Sets the Slider's maximum value
number GetMin() Returns the Slider's minimum value
number GetMax() Returns the Slider's maximum value
void Destroy() Destroys the Slider


<ColorPicker> Page.ColorPicker(<table> Options)
<ColorPickerNew> Page.ColorPickerNew(<table> Options)

Creates a new ColorPicker or ColorPickerNew with Options.
ColorPickerNew is the new color picker that has similar functionality to the one in Roblox Studio.


local ColorPicker = Page.ColorPicker({
    Text = "Color Picker",
    Callback = function(value)
    Def = Color3.fromRGB(0, 170, 255),
    Default = Color3.fromRGB(0, 170, 255), -- 'Default' is still available for compatibility.
    Rainbow = false,

local ColorPickerNew = Page.ColorPickerNew({
    Text = "New Color Picker",
    Callback = function(value)
    Def = Color3.fromRGB(0, 170, 255),
    Default = Color3.fromRGB(0, 170, 255), -- 'Default' is still available for compatibility.
    Rainbow = false


Name Type Default Description
Text String Color Picker The text shown on the Color Picker
Callback Function nil The ColorPicker's callback
Def Color3 1, 1, 1 The ColorPicker's default color
Default Color3 1, 1, 1 Same as Def
Rainbow Boolean false Determines if Rainbow mode is enabled by default or not
This mode can cause lag since it calls Callback every frame


Method Description
void SetText(string Text) Sets the Color Picker's text
string GetText() Returns the Color Picker's text
number GetId() Returns the Color Picker's Id
void SetColor(Color3 Color) Sets the Color Picker's color
Color3 GetColor() Returns the Color Picker's color
void Destroy() Destroys the Color Picker


<Toggle> Page.Keybind(<table> Options)

Creates a new Keybind with Options.


local Keybind = Page.Keybind({
    Text = "Keybind",
    Callback = function(value)
        print("Keybind:", value.Name)
    Def = Enum.KeyCode.RightShift,
    AllowKeyboard = true,
    AllowMouse = true


Name Type Default Description
Text String Keybind The text shown on the Keybind
Callback Function nil The Keybind's callback
Def EnumItem Unknown The Keybind's default value
AllowKeyboard Boolean true Determines if Keyboard inputs can be used
AllowMouse Boolean false Determines if Mouse inputs can be used


Method Description
void SetText(string Text) Sets the Keybind's text
string GetText() Returns the Keybind's text
number GetId() Returns the Keybind's Id
void SetBind(EnumItem Bind) Sets the Keybind's bind
EnumItem GetBind() Returns the Keybind's bind
void Destroy() Destroys the Keybind


<ChipSet> Page.ChipSet(<table> Options)

Creates a new ChipSet with Options.
Aliases: Page.DataTable


local ChipSet = Page.ChipSet({
    Text = "Chip Set",
    Callback = function(value)
        table.foreach(value, print)
    Options = {
        ['Option 1'] = true,
        ['Option 2'] = false


Name Type Default Description
Text String Chip Set The text shown on the Chip Set
Callback Function nil The Chip Set's callback
Options Table Option 1 = true,
Option 2 = false
The Chip Set's available options


Method Description
void SetText(string Text) Sets the Chip Set's text
string GetText() Returns the Chip Set's text
number GetId() Returns the Chip Set's Id
void SetOptions(table Options) Sets the Chip Set's options
table GetOptions() Returns the Chip Set's options
void Destroy() Destroys the Chip Set


<Table> Page.Table(<table> Options)

Creates a new Table with Options.


local Table = Page.Table({
    Text = "Table",
    Event = Bind,
    Key = "Name",
    Value = "Type",
    ShowInfo = true,
    Data = {
        Text = "String",
        Event = "BindableEvent",
        Key = "Key",
        Value = "Value",
        ShowInfo = "true",
        Data = "table of data"


Name Type Default Description
Text String Table The text shown on the Table
Event BindableEvent nil The Table's contents can be updated by firing this BindableEvent
Key String Key The Key name
Value String Value The Value name
ShowInfo Boolean true Determines if Key and Value are shown
Data Table {Key = "Value"} The data shown in the Table


Method Description
void SetText(string Text) Sets the Table's text
string GetText() Returns the Table's text
number GetId() Returns the Table's Id
void SetData(table Bind) Sets the Table's data
table GetData() Returns the Table's data
void Destroy() Destroys the Table


<Slider> Page.ProgressBar(<table> Options)

Creates a new ProgressBar with Options.


local Slider = Page.ProgressBar({
    Text = "Progress Bar",
    Event = bind, -- use the INSTANCE, NOT the signal
    Min = 0,
    Max = 100,
    Def = 0


Name Type Default Description
Text String Progress Bar The text shown on the Progress Bar
Callback Function nil The Progress Bar's callback
Min Number 0 The Progress Bar's minimum value
Max Number 10 The Progress Bar's maximum value
Def Number 5 The Progress Bar's default value
Prefix String nil Displayed at the front of the value (ex: $5)
Suffix String nil Displayed at the end of the value (ex: 5$)
Percent Boolean true Determines if the progress bar displays a percentage


Method Description
void SetText(string Text) Sets the Progress Bar's text
string GetText() Returns the Progress Bar's text
number GetId() Returns the Progress Bar's Id
void SetMin(number Min) Sets the Progress Bar's minimum value
void SetMax(number Max) Sets the Progress Bar's maximum value
number GetMin() Returns the Progress Bar's minimum value
number GetMax() Returns the Progress Bar's maximum value
void Destroy() Destroys the Progress Bar

Themes and Customization

Override Element Description
MainFrame Main The base/background of the UI
Minimise Topbar This is the color of the min/max button when the UI is closed
Maximise Topbar This is the color of the min/max button when the UI is opened
NavBar Navigator The base/background of the Navigator
NavBarAccent Navigator This is the color of the tabs (styles 1 and 2). If you use style 2, the color will be slightly lighter.
This color is also used for the dividers between each page button and the line on the edge of the Navigator (styles 3 and 4)
NavBarDim Navigator This is the color of the background dim. The color will be very light due to the transparency, so be sure to choose a decently vibrant color
NavBarText Navigator The color of the text on the page buttons in the Navigator
TitleBar Topbar The color of the very top of the UI where the Title is displayed
TitleBarText Topbar The color of the Title text
Overlay Main This is the overlay that you see when the UI is loading
Focus Text Boxes This is the line that appears when you focus on a text box
Banner Banner The base/background of the Banner
BannerAccent Banner The outline of the Banner. This color will be slightly lighter
BannerAccent2 Banner The color of the buttons
BannerDim Banner This This is the color of the background dim. The color will be very light due to the transparency, so be sure to choose a decently vibrant color
BannerText Banner The color of the text in the Banner
Notify Notification The base/background of the Notification
NotifyAccent Notification The color of the buttons
NotifyAccent2 Notification The color of the duration indicator between the Title and Text
NotifyText Notification The color of the text
Button Button The base color of the Button
ButtonText Button The color of the text on the Button
ButtonMenu Button The color of the menu button on the Button
Toggle Toggle The base color of the Toggle
ToggleAccent Toggle The color of the indicator (smaller square that moves). This color will be a tiny bit lighter when the toggle is disabled
ToggleAccent2 Toggle The color of the base of the indicator (larger rectangle that 'holds' the square)
ToggleText Toggle The color of the text on the Toggle
ToggleMenu Toggle The color of the menu button on the Toggle
Dropdown Dropdown The base color of the Dropdown
DropdownAccent Dropdown The color of the Options
DropdownBackdrop Dropdown The base color of the Dropdown when expanded (behind the Options)
DropdownText Dropdown The color of the text on the Dropdown
DropdownMenu Dropdown The color of the menu button on the Dropdown
TextBox TextBox The base color of the TextBox
TextBoxAccent TextBox The color of the Cursor
TextBoxText TextBox The color of the text on the TextBox
TextBoxText2 TextBox The color of the placeholder text on the TextBox
TextBoxMenu TextBox The color of the menu button on the TextBox
Label Label The base color of the Label
LabelText Label The color of the text on the Label
LabelMenu Label The color of the menu button on the Label
Slider Slider The base color of the Slider
SliderAccent Slider The color of the slider indicator
SliderAccent2 Slider The color of the slider bar and the value text box
SliderAccent3 Slider The color of the toggle indicator (smaller square that moves). This color will be a tiny bit lighter when the toggle is disabled
SliderAccent4 Slider The color of the base of the toggle indicator (larger rectangle that 'holds' the square)
SliderText Slider The color of the text on the Slider
SliderText2 Slider The color of the text in the value text box
SliderText3 Slider The color of the placeholder text in the value text box
SliderMenu Slider The color of the menu button on the Slider
ColorPicker ColorPicker The base color of the ColorPicker
ColorPickerAccent ColorPicker The color of the HEX, RGB, and Rainbow text boxes (NEW COLOR PICKER)
ColorPickerAccent2 ColorPicker The color of the H, S, and V labels (OLD COLOR PICKER)
ColorPickerAccent3 ColorPicker The color of the value/brightness indicator (arrow) (NEW COLOR PICKER)
ColorPickerBackdrop ColorPicker The base of the ColorPicker when expanded
ColorPickerText ColorPicker The color of the text on the ColorPicker
ColorPickerText2 ColorPicker The color of the placeholder text in the HEX and RGB text boxes
ColorPickerMenu ColorPicker The color of the menu button on the ColorPicker
Keybind Keybind The base color of the Keybind
KeybindAccent Keybind The color of the Bind (darker part)
KeybindAccent2 Keybind The color of the Bind (lighter part)
KeybindText Keybind The color of the text on the Keybind
KeybindText2 Keybind The color of the text on the Bind
KeybindMenu Keybind The color of the menu button on the Keybind
ChipSet ChipSet The base color of the ChipSet
ChipSetAccent ChipSet The color of the Options
ChipSetBackdrop ChipSet The base color of the ChipSet when expanded (behind the Options)
ChipSetCheck ChipSet The color of the check boxes
ChipSetText ChipSet The color of the text on the ChipSet
ChipSetMenu ChipSet The color of the menu button on the ChipSet
Table Table The base color of the Table
TableAccent Table The color of the Data
TableAccent2 Table The color of the dividers (line) between the Key and Value. This color will be slightly lighter.
TableBackdrop Table The base color of the Table when expanded (behind the Data)
TableCheck Table The color of the check boxes
TableText Table The color of the text on the Table
TableMenu Table The color of the menu button on the Table
ProgressBar ProgressBar The base color of the ProgressBar
ProgressBarAccent ProgressBar The color of the progress indicator
ProgressBarAccent2 ProgressBar The color of the bar
ProgressBarText ProgressBar The color of the text on the ProgressBar
ProgressBarMenu ProgressBar The color of the menu button on the ProgressBar

Example: Changing the color of Sliders

local Material = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""), "MaterialLuaRemake.lua")()
local UI = Material.Load({
    Title = "Example Script",
    SubTitle = "Slider Overrides",
    SizeX = 400,
    SizeY = 105,
    Theme = "Dark",
    ThemeOverrides = {
        Slider = Color3.fromRGB(176, 148, 125),
        SliderAccent = Color3.fromRGB(222, 210, 200),
        SliderAccent2 = Color3.fromRGB(189, 183, 177),
        SliderAccent3 = Color3.fromRGB(222, 210, 200),
        SliderAccent4 = Color3.fromRGB(189, 183, 177),
        SliderText = Color3.fromRGB(230, 230, 230),
        SliderText2 = Color3.fromRGB(176, 148, 125),
        SliderText3 = Color3.fromRGB(176, 148, 125),
        SliderMenu = Color3.fromRGB(230, 230, 230),
local Page ="Page")
local GeneratorEnabled = false
local Robux = 0
    Text = "robux generator",
    Callback = function(value)
        Robux = value
    Min = 0,
    Max = 999999,
    Def = Robux,
    Prefix = "$",
    Toggle = true,
    Enabled = GeneratorEnabled,
    ToggleCallback = function(value)
        GeneratorEnabled = value
    Filled = true
    Text = "generate robux !!!",
    Callback = function()
        if GeneratorEnabled then
                Title = "robux generator",
                Text = "successfully added "..Robux.." robux to your account!",
                Duration = 5,
                Options = {"woohoo"}
                Title = "robux generator",
                Text = "generator not enabled"

Slider Overrides