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Mark Nadal edited this page Oct 15, 2021 · 20 revisions

GUN can be used in browsers, NodeJS, and mobile.



The easiest way is to just add GUN into your HTML:

<script src=""></script>
gun = GUN(); // your code here


If you are using Webpack or other build tools, first follow the npm install, then add this to your browser code:

const GUN = require('gun/gun');


Same as with require, but using the latest ES6 syntax:

import GUN from "";


First you need to install GUN with NPM or other via the command line:

$npm install gun

Note: If you don't have node or npm installed, read this.

Then add this to your server code:

const GUN = require('gun');

Note: GUN comes with many default NodeJS adapters for storage and networking. If you do not want these, just do require('gun/gun') instead.


We recommend using a 1-click deploy instead, or running npm start inside of your local GUN repo. However, if you want to install GUN to an existing HTTP server, just pass it the server instance:

const server = require('http').createServer().listen(8080);
const gun = GUN({web: server});

Please see the HTTP(S) example, or Express in the same folder.

Or using --experimental-modules in NodeJS might make import GUN from './node_modules/gun/lib/server.js' work.

Next up?

This wiki is where all the GUN website documentation comes from.

You can read it here or on the website, but the website has some special features like rendering some markdown extensions to create interactive coding tutorials.

Please feel free to improve the docs itself, we need contributions!

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