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Mark Nadal edited this page Feb 3, 2017 · 1 revision

we have a base event system. Over time, it can receive many events.

the observable is built on top of this. It treats all events as mutations to the same thing. It then caches the most recent updates.

To make it more intelligent for gun, it treats all events by the same gun to be the same, and iterates over all of them as a plural chain.

When we chain after a plural, each chain caches the last known values.

gun .get() .map() .path() .on() | | - alice - path() | | - bob - path()

This makes removing a parent item in the chain hard.

The change is happening to the .get(). It has a responsibility to emit {alice: newAlice}.

When that happens, the get().path() inside of map is also called, aka Alice.

Alice has no next because they are all attached to the map().path().


var both = gun.get('alice').and('bob'); var pets = both.path('pet').on(cb);

both = [alice, bob] pets = [asdf, bnmv]


gun.get('alice') // unique gun.get('alice').path('age') // unique gun.get('alice').path('pet') -> gun.get('asdf') // proxy gun.get('users').path('age') -> [alice.path('age'), bob.path('age')] // proxy gun.get('users').path('pet') [] // proxy gun.get('alice').and('bob') -> [gun.get('alice'), gun.get('bob')]


What do we do, when we have a chain that receives souls? It is easy to incrementally add each new soul as it comes in, but what happens further down the chain based on the parents? Let us try...

(both = gun.get('alice').and('bob')).path('pet').on(cb)

We should get realtime live updates of the pets - not just any pets though, but the ones specifically determined by the parent chain. If for instance, a pet dies, that pet which was cached in the path chain should get nulled out.

First the parent both will receive two events:

a = {get: 'alice', put: {pet: {#asdf}}, gun: alice, via: via} b = {get: 'bob', put: {pet: {#bfds}}, gun: bob, via: via}

When these are received, the both chain will iterate over the changes to see if any children chains need to be notified.

This will trigger path('pet') with the following items:

{get: 'pet', put: {#asdf}, gun: alice.path('pet'), via: a} {get: 'pet', put: {#bfds}, gun: bob.path('pet'), via: b}

Now alice.path('pet') and bob.path('pet') are added to the observable cache. Why? Because they are fundamentally unique. However since their values are pointers it will cause them to proxy a root node. In order to prevent duplicate references being added to the cache, the unique paths should proxy forward their self as well as their field.



First, we add an observable to the map. Because there is no previously cached data, nothing triggers and we fire a request for data up the chain. This is emit out to storage drivers. A storage driver replies with

g = {put: { users: {_:{#users} alice: {#asdf} bob: {#bfds} } }}

Which gives input to the map() as

m = {get: 'users', put: {alice: {#asdf}, bob: {#bfds}}, gun: get('users'), via: g}

To which map iterates over the put and emits on its chain

a = {get: 'alice', put: {#asdf}, gun: users.path('alice'), via: m} b = {get: 'bob', put: {#bfds}, gun: users.path('bob'), via: m}

which gets cached in the observable.

Then path('pet') is read, adding an observable to the chain. Because there is no previously cached data, nothing triggers and we fire a request for data up the chain. This emits out to the parent which replies with cached data.

That cached data is a, b on the parent. This means we need to do a lookup on and which gets gets emit out to the storage drivers. They reply with:

g = {put: { #asdf: {_:{#asdf} pet: {#pasdf} } }}

First get('asdf') gets called, which proxies to users.path('alice').

What SHOULD be emitted to the path('pet') is as follows:

{get: 'pet', put: {#pasdf}, gun: alice.path('pet'), via: a} {get: 'pet', put: {#pbfds}, gun: bob.path('bob'), via: m}


gun .get() .map() .path() .path() .on() | | - alice - path() | | - bob - path()


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