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NIST Team: Lunch and Learn Archive

Michaela Iorga edited this page Feb 2, 2024 · 1 revision

NIST Devs' Lunch and Learn

NIST OSCAL team members are gathering periodically and share what they have learned recently or what they worked on. The purpose of those meetings is purely educational, and the meetings are recorded to allow future information refresh, but they are only available to NIST team members and access to the videos is controlled.

20230421 - Basics of GitHub Actions

20230602 - VS Code, DevContainers, and interactive presentation tools

20230915 - Quick OSCAL Developer Environments with Throw-away EC2 Instances

20230929 - GitHub Projects and Automated Board Management with GitHub Actions

20231013 - XML Schema and JSON Schema versus Metaschema Constraint Processing Validations

20231027 - XProc 1.0 and Orchestrating XSLT and XML-Based Processing

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