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Dan Brodjieski edited this page Sep 11, 2023 · 1 revision

The org.{baseline}.audit.plist is used to set an exemption to rules that users in your organization have approval to be configured out of compliance. Exemptions allow these systems to be reported as compliant even when the setting is configured different from the rule’s expected result. While the check will still be identified as a finding in the logs and .plist file, having it also marked as exempt will allow reporting tools to exclude it from being non-compliant.

This file can either exist in /Library/Preferences/org.{baseline}.audit.plist or applied via a custom configuration profile.

To set an exemption for a rule, exempt should be set to true and an exempt_reason should be added. To set an exemption for auth_smartcard_enforce the rule, run the following:

sudo /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :auth_smartcard_enforce:exempt bool true" /Library/Preferences/org.800-53r5_moderate.audit.plist
sudo /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :auth_smartcard_enforce:exempt_reason string 'Reader Issues'" /Library/Preferences/org.800-53r5_moderate.audit.plist

/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print auth_smartcard_enforce" /Library/Preferences/org.800-53r5_moderate.audit.plist
Dict {
    finding = true
    exempt = true
    exempt_reason = Reader Issues
If org.{baseline}.audit.plist is not set, the script will default exempt to false.