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Allen Golbig edited this page Jan 19, 2021 · 1 revision

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why create this project?

    • Every year, a new version of the macOS is released by Apple. With each new version, security professionals and administrators spend months waiting for the release of a security baseline. By creating an open source, community-based method for generating baselines to match new versions of macOS, the timeline for releasing these baselines should be reduced.

  2. Why are you using a command line based approach when a configuration profile is available?

    • Some configuration profiles are set once, and do not enforce the setting. Therefore, the only way to be able to validate and enforce a setting is through a command line based approach.

  3. Is a mac management system required to implement the controls defined in the YAML?

    • No, but as the operating system matures, Apple has made it very clear that an MDM server will become required to properly secure and manage macOS.