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Brandyn Britton edited this page Aug 12, 2017 · 2 revisions

RPG Starter

What is it?

This is a collection of objects and scripts intended to act as a quick start for RPGs in Gamemaker. This allows you to quickly design levels without having to worry about the other, boring stuff like chat boxes, **movement, enemies etc.

What's included?

There's a wide array of different features that will allow you to create pretty much any top down RPG you want. Whether it's an action RPG where the player fights of hordes of enemies or a story based RPG, there should be enough to at least get your started.

At the moment, there are "disabled" and "enabled" parts of the scripts and I'm trying to decide whether to separate everything or keep it as is.

Will there be more added?

Definitely. I'll be adding various features from a wide range of other RPGs.

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