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Brandyn Britton edited this page Aug 12, 2017 · 1 revision

What is it?

The obj_enemy object is intended to be a base class for all enemies within the game. The enemy will chase the obj_player within a certain radius, deal damage when it touches the player and then rest for a certain period before attempting to chase the player again.

The enemy has several states:

  • IDLE - Not doing anything
  • WANDERING - Wandering around the room
  • CHASING - Currently chasing the player
  • ATTACKING - Currently dealing damage to the player
  • ATTACK_COOLDOWN - Currently on cooldown after attacking the player (similar to IDLE)


In the create section of obj_enemy, we define several class fields including:

  • states - An enumerator that contains all the possible states of the enemy
  • current_state - The current state of the enemy, chosen from states
  • move_speed - The speed at which the enemy moves
  • cool_down - The cooldown period after the enemy attacks
  • detect_radius - The radius in which it will start chasing the player
  • wander_x_dir and wander_y_dir - The direction (-1, 0, 1) along x and y axis the enemy will wander along
  • max_damage - The max damage the enemy can deal to the player


The step event will control the enemies states and movement. First off, if the obj_player is within range of the enemy, the enemy will begin chasing the player. If the obj_player is not within range, the enemy will randomly transition between IDLE and WANDERING states. If the enemy collides with the obj_player, alarm[0] will be triggered and the enemy will remain motionless until the alarm finishes.

The step event will also check for collisions with environment objects such as obj_solid as well as obj_player[1]. If a collision occurs with obj_player, a random damage between 0 and max_damage is dealt to the obj_player.


  1. Sets current_state to CHASING

[1] - Although this is done using the collision event in other objects, within the enemy this is handled directly through code just to offer alternate ways of handling things

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