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Known issues

Ulrik Guenther edited this page Nov 26, 2015 · 3 revisions

With Fiji on OS X, I am receiving a MethodNotFound exception (like java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.jogamp.common.util.PropertyAccess.isPropertyDefined(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z) during ClearVolume startup

This problem is caused by some software depositing JARs in locations that Apple defines as standard, but nobody else (see Look in /Library/Java/Extensions and ~/Library/Java/Extensions for files named jogl.jar and gluegen.jar, make a copy of them in a safe place and remove them from these directories afterwards. JARs in these directories are prioritized by Java on OSX and ClearVolume is not able anymore to find the ones it actually needs.

Thanks to @nicost and @yafshar for pointing out this issue!

On OS X, the ClearVolume Fiji plugin seems to hang infinitely during startup

This is a known problem caused by the software Karabiner, used for remapping keys on the keyboard. The bug was fixed in beta 10.14.20 - please upgrade to this or a later version if possible.

If you cannot upgrade Karabiner for some reason, you can circumvent this problem by disabling AXNotifier in the AXNotifier tab of Karabiner and logging out/back in again afterwards.