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Video recording

Ulrik Guenther edited this page Jul 1, 2015 · 2 revisions

In ClearVolume (and this include the Fiji and KNIME plugins as well), videos can be recorded by pressing S or the appropriate button the window.

This will cause ClearVolume to prompt you where to save the movie files and then start the recording until it is stopped by pressing S again. In the folder you selected (by default [home]/Videos/ClearVolume, a series of PNG images will be stored. These can be converted to a movie by the following methods:


If you have ffmpeg installed, you can create a movie from the commandline by issueing the following command in the directory where the images are stored:

ffmpeg -framerate 15 -i image%d.png -vf "scale=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2" -c:v libx264 -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p out.mp4

This will create a H264-compressed movie named out.mp4, showing 15 (framerate parameter) of your images per second. The movie will still have a playing framerate of 30 (r parameter), ffmpeg will pad the images so it fits. H264 is a very efficient video encoding, resulting in a small file size as well as a good quality for your movie.