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ModPE Script Templates

BimBy929 edited this page Jan 27, 2015 · 28 revisions

Template List

  • useItem Template (Hexdro)
  • Custom Button Template (Byteandahalf)
  • procCmd Template (Arjay07)
  • File Writer and Reader Template (PEMapModder)
  • Define Mob Template (PEMapModder)
  • in Array (PEMapModder)

useItem Template - Hexdro

This is a simple script, which spawns a custom mob, if you tap anywhere with a stick! Feel free to use the code in any of your mods, and customize it all you want.

function useItem (x, y, z,itemId, blockId, side)//useItem Code goes here
    if(itemId == 280)//If the item used is a stick
        var custom = Level.spawnMob(x,y+1,z,11,"mob/char.png"); //spawns mob, variable "custom", and uses the skin char
        Entity.setRenderType(custom,3); //changes the rendertype of the mob custom to a player
        clientMessage("You have now Spawned a Custom Mob! Your code worked!"); //clientmessage sent if item is a stick

Button Template - Byteandahalf

This is a tutorial for adding GUI (Custom Buttons) Into Minecraft Pocket Edition, through the use of ModPE Scripts. You need the Block Launcher 1.5.2 Update, Remember that this code uses Java.

var buttonWindow = null;  //A window we haven't yet made

function  newLevel() {  //As soon as the world loads
  var activity = com.mojang.minecraftpe.MainActivity.currentMainActivity.get();
  //A variable we'll use later to add the button to the current MCPE activity            
  activity.runOnUiThread(new java.lang.Runnable({ run: function() {
  //This will allow our button to run on the current UI thread of MCPE  
        try { //Try to create our button
          buttonWindow = new android.widget.PopupWindow();
          //Make our variable a usable window
          var layout = new android.widget.RelativeLayout(activity);
          //A layout to put into our window
          var button = new android.widget.Button(activity);
          //A button to put in our layout
          button.setText("Press Me!");
          //Write some text upon our button
          button.setOnClickListener(new android.view.View.OnClickListener({
                //When we press our button
                onClick: function(viewarg) { //This lets our button run something
                //The function() comes from activity.runOnUiThread()
                  Level.explode(Player.getX(), Player.getY(), Player.getZ(), 3.0);
                  clientMessage("This is our button!");
          layout.addView(button);//Add our button to our layout
          buttonWindow.setContentView(layout);//Add our layout to our window
          //Make our window the same size as the button within
          //The outline of our button's(The window) color
          buttonWindow.showAtLocation(activity.getWindow().getDecorView(), android.view.Gravity.RIGHT | android.view.Gravity.BOTTOM, 0, 0);
          //The location of our button on the screen, BOTTOM RIGHT
          //The 0, 0 is the margin size, use this to push it around along those locations
          print("Button could not be displayed: " + problem); //Print our error if we failed to make the button

function leaveGame() {    //Get rid of it when we leave the world
  var activity = com.mojang.minecraftpe.MainActivity.currentMainActivity.get();
  activity.runOnUiThread(new java.lang.Runnable({ run: function() {
        if(buttonWindow != null) { //If our window still exists
          buttonWindow.dismiss(); //Remove it from the screen
          buttonwindow = null;     //Reset it

procCmd Template - Arjay07

This template allows you to add commands to ModPE. Simply change the myCommand variable to your custom command string! Have fun adding your own commands!

function procCmd(command) {
    var cmd = command.split(" ");
    var myCommand = "command"; //Change the string to whatever you want! :D
    if(cmd[0] == myCommand) {
        //Your code here!

File Template - PEMapModder - Page in development

Creates or reads a file. You may use it without any credits.

function saveFile (directory, filename) {
    try {
        directory = android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory ().getPath () + "/games/com.mojang/minecraftworlds" + getWorldDir () + "/" + directory; // The file should be saved into the world directory.
        var newFile = new (directory,filename);
        var directory = new (directory);
        var success = directory.mkdirs (); // creates the directory if not already created
        if (!success){ // if not succeeded
            throw new"Directory "+directory+ "cannot be created"); // throws an IOException. new has a string parameter as a message.
        Add the above if you want to replace the file.
        newFile.createNewFile (); // creates a blank new file
        var outWrite = new (new (newFile)); // creates the output writer
        outWrite.append ("Your content here");
        outWrite.close(); // closes the writer; not necessary to close, but better do it
        return false; // tells that it succeeds; not necessary to catch, but better do it
    catch(thrown){ // catches the error in the try block
        return thrown.toString(); // returns a human-readable description of the error. The most common one is that there is no such file

function readFile (directory, filename, wantBytes) { // wantBytes: true or false
        directory = android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory ().getPath () + "/games/com.mojang/minecraftworlds" + getWorldDir () + "/" + directory;
        var inFile = new,filename);
        if (!inFile.isFile()) return "notfile"; // check if it is a file
        var inStream = new (inFile);
        if (wantBytes) {
   (bytes); // stores the contents into bytes
            var bytes = new Array();
            return bytes;
        var inBuffer = new (inStream);
        var line = "",var returner = "";
        while ((line = inBuffer.readLine ()) != null) { // read
            returner = returner + line + java.lang.System.getProperty ("line.seperator");
        return returner;
        return error.toString();

Define Mob Template - PEMapModder

This template defines a new mob that spawns every CYCLE_MAX (constant field) = 2 zombies are spawned (deletes one of the zombies), has an initial health of INIT_HEALTH (constant field defined at the beginning of the script) = 100 half-hearts, rendered with the shape of a entityId RENDER_TYPE (constant field) = 33, has the actions of entityId SPAWN_TYPE (cosntant field) = 32, has a texture with file path FILE_PATH (constant field), and drops loots of ids in array DROP_LOOT (constant field) = [267,280] upon death.

/*final*/var INIT_HEALTH=100,FILE_PATH="mobs/newMob.png",DROP_LOOT=[[267,Math.ceil(Math.random()*100),1],[280,0,Math.ceil(Math.random()*4)]],CYCLE_MAX=2,SPAWN_TYPE=32,RENDER_TYPE=33,MSG="A divine CreeperZombie died!";//inits the fields ***** idk if there is final in javascript. Not necessary though
var cycle=0;//inits the zombie cycle
var creeperZombies=[];//inits the creeperZombie memory
function entityAddedHook(e){
  if(Entity.getEntityTypeId(e)!=32)return;//only call if it is a zombie spawned
  cycle++;//adds 1 to the cycle
  if(cycle==CYCLE_MAX)cycle=0;//makes it be in cycle
  if(cycle!=0)return;//only call the following if CYCLE_MAX zombies are spawned
  var x=Entity.getX(e),y=Entity.getY(e),z=Entity.getZ(e);//record the axes
  Entity.setPosition(e,x,0,z);//throw to the void (avoid dropItem)
  //e.remove() can also be used
  var newMob=Level.spawnMob(x,y,z,SPAWN_TYPE);//spawns the new creeperZombie
  Entity.setRenderType(newMob,RENDER_TYPE);//sets the render type of the zobmie to creeper
  creeperZombies[creeperZombies.length]=newMob;//adds the new creeperZombie to the end of the array creeperZombies
function deathHook(murderer,victim){
  var key=inArray(creeperZombies,victim);
  if(key.length>1)clientMessage("Tell your app developer that \n there is a bug! \n Tell him/her that \n inArray(creeperZombies,victim) returns multiple values!");//if there are no bugs, there should be one integer returned only
  if(key==-1))return;//only call the following when victim is a creeperzombie
  creeperZombies[key]="NaN!";//take victim from creeperZombies array to avoid this function to be called again when the next line runs (by replacing the instance with NaN, representing "Not a Number", and the exclaimation mark added to avoid the value being considered as false or 0 or null etc.)
  var x=Entity.getX(victim),y=Entity.getY(victim),z=Entity.getZ(victim);//records the axes
  Entity.setPosition(victim,x,0,z);//throw into the void. (my favourite method of removing an entity)
  for(var i=0;i<DROP_LOOT.length;i++){
function inArray(array,datum){...}//code below

in Array - PEMapModder

Tests Add this to the end of the above script to add the function inArray(), which tests whether the datum datum is in the array array. Returns the sequence(s) of the datum appearance(s) in the array as a new array, or [-1] if not found. (not null due to report from arjay_07 that 0 and null are sometimes mixed up and causes bugs

function inArray(array,datum){
  var noResult=[-1];//inits the noResult returner
  var result=[];//inits the result array
  for(var i=0;i<array.length;i++){
    if(array[i]!=datum)continue;//tests if array[i] is an instance of datum (THIS instance of IS NOT EQUAL TO instanceof!!)
    result[result.length]=i;//adds this instance of datum at the end of array result[]
  if(result==[])return noResult;//if there are no instances return -1
  return result;//else return the result. else is not used because if result==[] the function is already ended by the token "return"