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MarkL edited this page Jun 18, 2014 · 6 revisions

This page is dedicated to research that needs to be done on Theme Hospital so that we can, where needed mimic the same behaviour. If you would like to contribute to the project, but you don't have any experience in coding then maybe you can help here. You will need to be able to play Theme Hospital, this can either be via Doxbox, Compatibility mode or if you still have access to an older PC that can run the original game.

This could involve hours of game play, making notes, theorising and then testing out those theories to see if they are correct. Then reporting your findings here, either as a comment on and existing thread or creating a new one. It is important that it is actual research we use and not memories of how you thought something worked. We all have different memories of the game and they don't always match to someone else’s memory. If you are thorough enough with your research it should be possible for your findings to be verified by others.

If you are up to this challenge, these are the current things that need to be looked into and it does not matter if more than one person is doing the research; the more opinions we get the better and more subjective and reliable the results should be.

If you are looking to develop a feature for the game and would like to have some more information of what is needed or how something worked, ask here (there is an email feature you can use, just send me a message MarkL) so that it can be added to the research list.

Fair Wage

It has been suggested that it was possible to hire juniors and then train them to be consultants with one of more of the skills and you would get away with paying them less than $100 a month.

It has also been suggested that staff in the training room did not get unhappy whilst training and make requests for increased pay.

When any staff go to rest that they did not leave the staffroom until completely rested and their happiness had returned to 100% See issue 1398, issue 1399 and issue 1400 for more details

Can you staff a hospital with low paid consultants with one or more skills and pay them less than $100 a month?

Can you train any Junior and they remain happy and not ask for a pay rise?

Did staff remain in the staffroom until completely rested and happy?

What makes staff unhappy?


It has been suggested that diagnosis is too easy in CorsixTH when compared to Theme Hospital - see issue 1215. It has also been suggested it is too slow when compared to TH.

What we already know about diagnosis is that some diseases need to visit certain rooms and for other diseases they can visit any or all rooms. We also know that in later levels it gets progressively harder to diagnose diseases and that this is linked to the SAM files (MaxDiagDiff). This means in level 1 and 2 where you could diagnose invisibility with only a GP Office visit, from later levels you also need the X-Ray or the Scanner.
Lastly we also know that the skill of the Dr has a part to play, meaning a Junior or Dr will send a patient to a diagnosis room for more diagnosis before he makes a decision, whereas a Consultant is more likely to know what is wrong on the first visit (especially if the disease is already known to the hospital).

There is already some information here

What can you find out?


When do they first appear?

When do the rat holes first appear?

Do the rat holes ever disappear?


How quickly can juniors become Dr's and then consultants?

Do the number of students in a room impact on how long this takes?

Does the extra bookcases and skeletons make a difference?

Do the students ever ask for a pay rise and how often?

Do the students get unhappy whilst in training?

Over Charging

How does this work, does everyone moan if you charge too much?

Do you get this sometimes even when you did nothing to the charges?

Are there levels where you can get away with charging too much?


Did hiring a more expensive receptionist achieve anything other than increasing your wage bill?

Did a more skilled receptionist deal with queues more quickly?

Did a lesser skilled receptionist cause unequal queues at the GP offices?

More details can be found in issue 719