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Appodeal iOS Plugin for Godot GameEngine

This repository contains source code of Appodeal iOS Plugin for Godot engine. If you are looking for the Appodeal plugin itself, follow the first link below.


Building Instructions:

In case you want to build an iOS plugin yourself (for different Godot Engine or Appodeal SDK versions), follow these steps:

  1. If you have extracted engine headers, you can skip steps 1-3, and manually put them into /headers/godot directory.

  2. Add the desired version of Godot Engine to the /godot folder.

  3. Run ./scripts/ [3.x|4.0] in terminal to build the Godot Engine header files.

  4. Run ./scripts/ to copy all required headers into /headers/godot directory.

  5. Download Appodeal iOS SDK fat build archive from the official website and copy the header files from Appodeal.xcframework folder into /headers/appodeal/Appodeal directory.

  6. Run ./scripts/ [3.x|4.0] to build the plugin.

  7. Get your plugin from the /bin/release directory.