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Athanasius edited this page Jan 11, 2022 · 81 revisions


As of January 2022 all documentation is being moved into the source tree so that it can be properly synchronised with any code changes. Thus please start reading from the live branch main README .

The text below is only still here as a historical reference.












What is EDDN?

The Elite: Dangerous Data Network is a system for willing Commanders to share dynamic data about the galaxy with others. By pooling data in a common format, tools and analyses can be produced that add an even greater depth and vibrancy to the in-game universe.

EDDN is not run by or affiliated with Frontier Developments.

Using EDDN

How you use EDDN depends on who you are:

Trading software users

If you use one of the following trading tools then you're already taking advantage of data supplied by the EDDN network:

Tool Commander
EDDB themroc
EDSM AnthorNet
Inara Artie
Roguey's Roguey
edda troydm

Player tools

If you're playing E:D on PC or Mac please consider running one of the following apps to contribute data to EDDN for your own and others' benefit:

Tool Commander
E:D Market Connector Otis B. & EDCD team
EDDI VerticalBlank, Hoodathunk, T'Kael
EDDiscovery Robby
Elite Log Agent John Kozak
Elite G19s Companion app MagicMau
Elite Virtual Assistant
Trade Dangerous + EDAPI orphu

If your preferred trading tool or app isn't on these lists ask the developer to incorporate support for EDDN!

Sending and receiving data

Please read all the guidance in the main schemas README.

Anyone planning to send data too EDDN MUST comply with all the advice in that document, and the individual schema README files as applicable. It's also the bext resource for those listening to the EDDN data stream.
