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Stitch reads

Molly Hayes edited this page May 11, 2016 · 10 revisions

We use PEAR to stitch pair-end reads together.

Our wrapper script can simply be used like so: raw_data/*

Where "raw_data" is a folder that contains FASTQs with either "_R1_" and "_R2_" in their names (alternatively just "_1" and "_2" in the filenames will work).

Four FASTQs are created for each sample:

  • assembled reads (typically ~98% of reads, although this can depend on your data type / quality)
  • discarded reads (e.g. reads that are all Ns)
  • unassembled reads, 1 FASTQ for each direction (we discard these for downstream analyses)

This script generates a summary of the percents of assembled, discarded and unassembled reads for each sample (by default: "pear_summary_log.txt").


  • -o, --out_dir
    The name of the output directory to place all PEAR output files.

  • -p, --parallel [<# of proc>]
    Using this option without a value will use all CPUs on machine, while giving it a value will limit to that many CPUs. Without option only one CPU is used.

  • -g, --gzip_output
    Gzip the PEAR output files.

  • -f, --full_log
    The location to write the PEAR full log file. Default is "pear_full_log.txt"

  • -s, --summary_log
    The location to write the PEAR summary log file. Default is "pear_summary_log.txt"

  • -h, --help
    Displays the entire help documentation.

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