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IMPACTT workshop tutorials 2022

Robyn Wright edited this page May 19, 2023 · 1 revision

We ran two different IMPACTT bioinformatics workshops in 2022, one in Calgary in May/June and a second in Montréal in December. You can find links to both of them below - the May/June one was adapted for anyone not in the workshop to be able to also use, while the December one is available at the link but hasn't been adapted for use on other computers.

  1. Metagenomic taxonomic annotation (Calgary, May/June 2022)
  2. Metagenomic functional annotation (Calgary, May/June 2022; assumes you have already worked through the taxonomic annotation tutorial above)
  3. Metagenomic taxonomic annotation and MAG assembly and binning (Montréal, December 2022)
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