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📜 Introduction

The Ontimize Web Map is an implementation of leaflet map library for using into OntimizeWeb web applications.

📖 Documentation

Check out our documentation site to learn how to install and use it into an OntimizeWeb application.

🚀 Demo

Check out our demo application in the following link.

💡 Ideas

We would love any feedback you have or to know when you encounter issues, by filing an issue report on this repo.

⚙️ Development

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 15.2.9.


Follow the next steps:

  • cd repository root
npm install

Build ontimize-web-ngx-map

Run npm run build && cd dist && npm pack to execute the build process that will generate the dist folder and a .tgz file. You can use this .tgz file to install the library in your project through the package.json file.