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Emlyn Davies edited this page Oct 9, 2020 · 5 revisions

Entry point usage


silcam acquire <configfile><datapath>

silcam process <configfile> <datapath> [--nbimages=<number of images>] [--nomultiproc]

silcam realtime <configfile> <datapath> [--discwrite] [--nomultiproc]

silcam -h | --help

silcam --version


acquire Acquire images

process Process images

realtime Acquire images from the camera and process them in real time


--nbimages=<number of images> Number of images to process.

--discwrite Write images to disc.

--nomultiproc Deactivate multiprocessing.

-h --help Show this screen.

--version Show version.

Plotting and analysis:

There is a notebook, here, which shows some examples of what you can do with the data that comes from silcam process:

You can also use:

silcam-report to generate nice summary reports from the data that comes from silcam process

If you don't like using python scripts, you can run silcam-gui and use the interactive summary to explore the data that comes from silcam process (this is mostly intended for oil and gas analysis).