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Update simple_regular_solve.jl with new function BinomialTauLeaping #412

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/JumpProcesses.jl
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ using FunctionWrappers, UnPack
using Graphs
using SciMLBase: SciMLBase
using Base.FastMath: add_fast
using Distributions

import DiffEqBase: DiscreteCallback, init, solve, solve!, plot_indices, initialize!
import Base: size, getindex, setindex!, length, similar, show, merge!, merge
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168 changes: 168 additions & 0 deletions src/simple_regular_solve.jl
Expand Up @@ -51,3 +51,171 @@ function DiffEqBase.solve(jump_prob::JumpProblem, alg::SimpleTauLeaping;

export SimpleTauLeaping

struct BinomialTauLeaping <: DiffEqBase.DEAlgorithm end

function determine_reaction_type(eq_expr::Expr)
expr_str = string(eq_expr)
if occursin("* u[", expr_str, 2) && occursin(" * ", expr_str)
i = parse(Int, match(r"u\[(\d+)\]", string(eq_expr)).captures[1])
return "Homodimer formation", i

elseif occursin("* u[", expr_str, 2)
i = parse.(Int, match(r"u\[(\d+)\] \* u\[(\d+)\]", string(eq_expr)).captures)
return "Second-order reaction", i

elseif occursin("* u[", expr_str)
i = parse(Int, match(r"u\[(\d+)\]", string(eq_expr)).captures[1])
return "First-order reaction", i
return "Unknown"

# Determine N_j, dependent on the reaction type
function N_j_singlereaction(rate::Vector{Expr}, uprev::Vector{Int})
N_j_values = Vector{Int}(undef, length(rate))

for (eq_idx, eq_expr) in enumerate(rate)
reaction_type, i = determine_reaction_type(eq_expr)

if reaction_type == "First-order reaction"
N_j_values[eq_idx] = uprev[i]

elseif reaction_type == "Second-order reaction"
i, j = i[1], i[2]
N_j_values[eq_idx] = min(uprev[i], uprev[j])

elseif reaction_type == "Homodimer formation"
i = get_species_index(eq_expr)
N_j_values[eq_idx] = state[i] >= 2 ? floor(0.5 * state[i]) : 0

else # for unknown reaction types, we set N_j = 0
N_j_values[eq_idx] = 0


return N_j_values

# Find in which rate functions an element is involved
function find_involved_elements(rate::Vector{Expr},u, u_size::Int)
involved_elements = Dict{Int, Set{Int}}()

for i in 1:u_size
involved_elements[i] = Set{Int}()

for (eq_idx, eq_expr) in enumerate(rate)
# Extract the expression from the equation vector
expr_str = string(eq_expr)

# Extract u elements occurring in the expression
for i in 1:u_size
local_expr = :(u[$i])
if occursin(string(local_expr), expr_str)
involved_elements[i] = union(involved_elements[i], Set([eq_idx]))

count_involvement = []
for (key, indices) in involved_elements
num_indices = length(indices)
push!(count_involvement, num_indices)

return involved_elements, count_involvement


function determine_counts(rate_cache, uprev, u_size)
involved_elements, count_involvement = find_involved_elements(rate_cache, uprev, u_size)
counts = zero(rate_cache)
for j in count_involvement
if count_involvement[j] == 1
involved_rate = get(involved_elements, j)
N_j = N_j_singlereaction(rate_cache[involved_rate], uprev[j])
counts[involved_rate] .= rand(rng, Binomial(N_j, rate_cache/N_j))

# Use simultaneous equation
# 1. determine which processes to use the simultaneous equation for
involved_rates = Vector(involved_elements[j])
associated_N_j_values = N_j_singlereaction(rate_cache[involved_rates], uprev[j])
N_i = minimum(associated_N_j_values)
# 2. generate total reaction number
sum_involved_rates = sum(rate_cache[involved_rates])
total_reaction_number = rand(rng, Binomial(N_i, sum_involved_rates/N_i))
# 3. generate sample values for involved processess
total = total_reaction_number
for r in involved_rates
if total > 0
counts[r] .= rand(rng, Binomial(total, sum_involved_rates/N_j))
total -= counts[r]
counts[r] = 0


return counts

function DiffEqBase.solve(jump_prob::JumpProblem, alg::BinomialTauLeaping;
seed = nothing,
dt = error("dt is required for BinomialTauLeaping."))

# boilerplate from BinomialTauLeaping method
@assert isempty(jump_prob.jump_callback.continuous_callbacks) # still needs to be a regular jump
@assert isempty(jump_prob.jump_callback.discrete_callbacks)
prob = jump_prob.prob
seed === nothing ? rng = Xorshifts.Xoroshiro128Plus() :
rng = Xorshifts.Xoroshiro128Plus(seed)

rj = jump_prob.regular_jump
rate = rj.rate # rate function rate(out,u,p,t)
numjumps = rj.numjumps # used for size information (# of jump processes)
c = rj.c # matrix-free operator c(u_buffer, uprev, tprev, counts, p, mark)

if !isnothing(rj.mark_dist) == nothing #
error("Mark distributions are currently not supported in BinomialTauLeaping")

u0 = copy(prob.u0)
du = similar(u0)
rate_cache = zeros(float(eltype(u0)), numjumps)
u_size = length(u0)

tspan = prob.tspan
p = prob.p

n = Int((tspan[2] - tspan[1]) / dt) + 1
u = Vector{typeof(prob.u0)}(undef, n)
u[1] = u0
t = tspan[1]:dt:tspan[2]

# iteration variables
counts = zero(rate_cache) # counts for each variable

for i in 2:n # iterate over dt-slices
uprev = u[i - 1]
tprev = t[i - 1]
rate(rate_cache, uprev, p, tprev)
rate_cache .*= dt # multiply by the width of the time interval

counts = determine_counts(rate_cache, uprev, u_size)
c(du, uprev, p, tprev, counts, mark)
u[i] = du + uprev

sol = DiffEqBase.build_solution(prob, alg, t, u,
calculate_error = false,
interp = DiffEqBase.ConstantInterpolation(t, u))

export BinomialTauLeaping