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Felix Wiemuth edited this page Oct 3, 2012 · 8 revisions

SimpleServer is mostly suited and compatible to work in sync with Bukkit Servers.


  • SimpleServer recognizes the existence of a Bukkit server by looking for the file bukkit.yml. So make sure that this file only exists and does exist when Bukkit is used.


When some configuration files aren't present, do a simple stop and start of the server and they will appear.

  • Copy the Bukkit jar file into the same directory as SimpleServer.jar
  • Edit the file:
    • Change the line/option alternativeJarFile= to alternativeJarFile=craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar (or what your Bukkit jar file is named)
  • Edit config.xml:
    • Add forwardUnknownCommands="true" to the groups that you want that can use CraftBukkit commands.
  • Edit the bukkit configuration file: bukkit.yml
    • Under settings: add the line world-container: world, where "world" must be the name you specified with the levelName option in This is the name of the now used world container.
    • Before starting the server again, move the world folder(s) (if present: "world", "world_nether", "world_the_end" etc.) to a new folder (the world container) called like specified in bukkit.ymlabove.

Note: Using the world-container option is necessary for SimpleServer and means that the world folders aren't stored in the main server directory anymore but in a new folder (the container). If you used a normal minecraft server or Bukkit without the world container before, you have to move your map folders manually to the new world container (which is named like specified in bukkit.yml) to continue using the same map.


You can use the permissions of SimpleServer to control the execution of Bukkit commands. Simply add the command to the config.xml file like this:

<command name="{command}" allow="{group no.}" />

For an explanation on the syntax see the config.xml for guidance.

Known problems

  • Bukkit has a different directory structure for storing worlds than the vanilla server. SimpleServer is not completely adapted to this so problems can occur, especially in the Nether or the End because Bukkit saves them as different worlds.


This /command has stopped working.

You probably installed a plugin which overrides the default /command console commands. To fix this you will need to remove the plugin.