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sk9c00 edited this page Oct 19, 2011 · 16 revisions

For a full list of Configuration Options

See Options Summary


As of SimpleServer 8.3 the permission.xml was replaced by the new and better config.xml.

See the config.xml guide for more instructions.

(or see the old guide for permissions.xml)


see Localization



In this file you find the list of aliases you can use when you issue the /give or /giveplayer command. This list should already include most of the stuff you might like to have, but if it is missing something, you can add an entry by appending a line of the form aliasname=ItemOrBlockID where aliasname is the name you want to use and ItemOrBlockID is a valid ID of a giveable block or item (you can find all the values here) With the new improved givealiases using the DamerauLevenshtein algorithm even small spelling errors when typing aliases are detected and corrected automatically.


Sometimes you might notice that you or your players need a whole set of items regularly to accomplish a task. Such item sets can be specified in this file. This file might look a bit complicated, but it's rather simple - a kit consists of a line in the form: kitname=groups|itemID:damage*amount|itemID:damage*amount|...

the part called groups shall contain a group list as found in the permissions.xml. It says which groups are allowed to get the kit. What follows is the list of items with a certain damage value and their amounts a player gets when demanding this kit. Both the damage and the amount values are optional. You can find the item IDs in the Minecraft Wiki or give-alias-list.txt.



If you are using custom mods or offering special features, you might like to inform new players about it. In this file you can add some text which is displayed additionally to players who issue the /help command (normally it just shows the available commands).


Your server certainly has some rules, like no griefing, etc. You can write it down in this file and players can see it when they use the /rules command.


The Message Of The Day (MOTD) is something the server displays to every player on every login. You might like to put some fresh news concerning your server here and update it regularly. This message is also shown when the command /motd is used.

custom textfiles

With the /read FILE command you can let SimpleServer display the specified unicode textfile named NAME.txt (where NAME is the argument of the command) in the simpleserver/docs folder. So if you don't have enough space on signs for some infos to the players just put a textfile into the docs/ folder. Of course they do support coloring.

Binary data

see simpleserver.dat