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Dave Hylands edited this page Aug 30, 2019 · 1 revision

There is a command line tool that I use for exploring new devices with the zigbee and zwave adapters.

You can find it here:

Start the gateway in debug mode

In order to get the best information, the gateway needs to run in debug mode, which can be achieved by adding the -d option to the gateway startup. You can do this by editing the script found in /home/pi/mozilla-iot/gateway. Search for the line that looks like:

  npm run "${start_task}" -- $args

and add a -d so that it looks like this:

  npm run "${start_task}" -- -d $args

You can then restart the gateway service using:

sudo systemctl restart mozilla-iot-gateway

Start the command line tool

To run, use the script. You should then be presented with a prompt like:


You can use the help command to discover available commands and help command to get more information about a particular command.

The first command you'll want to use is the gateway command. You should use something like:

cli> gateway http://localhost:8080


cli> gateway https://localhost:4443


cli> gateway

You can then see the devices by using the devices command (the devices and device commands require that the gateway be running in debug mode).

You can use the device command along with one of the names presented by the devices command to select that device as a target.

The info command is the command that I use to get internal information about a particular device.

Use Control-D to exit from the device and go back up to the gateway level if you want to select another device.

The info command can also take a filename, in which case the output of the info command will be saved into that file (in JSON format). This output is what is used for the zwave-adapter classifier tests. You can find some examples here:

Sample Session

A sample session looks something like this:

cli> gateway http://localhost:8080
cli http://localhost:8080> 
cli http://localhost:8080> devices
zwave-d7e613b4-11 zwave-d7e613b4-12 zwave-d7e613b4-4 
cli http://localhost:8080> device zwave-d7e613b4-4
cli http://localhost:8080 zwave-d7e613b4-4> info
  "baseHref": null,
  "pin": {
    "required": false,
    "pattern": null
  "credentialsRequired": false,
  "lastStatus": "ready",
  "zwInfo": {
    "location": "",
    "nodeId": 4,
    "manufacturer": "AEON Labs",
    "manufacturerId": "0x0086",
    "product": "ZW100 MultiSensor 6",
    "productId": "0x0064",
    "productType": "0x0102",
    "type": "Home Security Sensor",
    "genericType": 33,
    "basicType": 4,
    "specificType": 1
  "zwClasses": [
  "zwValues": {
    "4-48-1-0": {
      "value_id": "4-48-1-0",
      "node_id": 4,
      "class_id": 48,
      "type": "bool",
      "genre": "user",
      "instance": 1,
      "index": 0,
      "label": "Sensor",
      "units": "",
      "help": "Binary Sensor State",
      "read_only": true,
      "write_only": false,
      "min": 0,
      "max": 0,
      "is_polled": false,
      "value": true
...snipped output...
    "batteryLevel": {
      "name": "batteryLevel",
      "value": 100,
      "visible": true,
      "title": "Battery",
      "type": "number",
      "@type": "LevelProperty",
      "unit": "percent",
      "minimum": 0,
      "maximum": 100,
      "readOnly": true,
      "valueId": "4-128-1-0"
  "actions": {},
  "events": {},
  "links": []
cli http://localhost:8080 zwave-d7e613b4-4>

Some commands may require you login to the gateway. In this case you'll be prompted for your email and password. The JWT (JSON Web Token) will be stored in the ~/.moziot-cli.json file, so you don't need to enter it again.