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Using the debug controller

Michael Stegeman edited this page Apr 11, 2018 · 5 revisions

The gateway has a debug controller which can be useful if you're developing adapters. By default, the debug controller is disabled.

Turn on the debug controller

To turn on the debug controller, run the gateway using the -d option.

npm start -- -d

If you're running the gateway on a Raspberry Pi, then the gateway is normally started automatically using systemd, so use this command to stop the gateway first:

sudo systemctl stop mozilla-iot-gateway

prior to starting the gateway with the debug controller enabled.

Verify that the debug controller is running

You can verify that the debug controller has been enabled by issuing a command like this:

curl -v -H "Accept: application/json" https://localhost:4443/debug/devices/ -k | python -m json.tool | less

Using python -m json.tool provides pretty formatting.

You can also use a tool like Postman which will allow you to save requests. If you're using a self-signed certificate, make sure you turn off the "SSL certificate validation" setting (found in File->Settings->General). Also remember to add a header Accept with a value application/json otherwise you'll get back an HTML response.

Debug Controller URLs

Portions of the URL which are in bold should be replaced with an appropriate value.

URL Op Description
/debug/devices GET Returns all of the devices that the adapter manager knows about. The data returned may contain lots of internal information not exposed using the Web Thing representation.
/debug/deviceIds GET Returns a list of device ids.
/debug/device/deviceId GET Returns the information for a single device.
/debug/device/deviceId/propertyName GET Returns the current value of propertyName.
/debug/device/deviceId/propertyName PUT Sets the value of propertyName.
/debug/things GET Returns all of the things that the adapter manager knows about, and uses the Web Thing representation.
/debug/things/thingId GET Returns the Web Thing representation for a single thing.
/debug/things/thingId/propertyName GET Returns the current value of propertyName.
/debug/things/thingId/propertyName PUT Sets the value of propertyName.
/debug/addNewThing GET Initiates pairing
/debug/cancelAddNewThing GET Cancels pairing
/debug/removeThing/thingId GET Initiates the removal of a specific thing.
/debug/cancelRemoveThig GET Cancels the removal of a thing.