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Further Investigation

Kayla Nussbaum edited this page Feb 24, 2016 · 3 revisions

My attention has been diverted into a more critical, investigating approach. I seek to find the correlations between how developers are identified by their centrality other than from betweenness and closeness. From the developer_snapshots table, I have been analyzing the columns: degree and own_count (ownership count). These two metrics could possibly share a correlation with sheriff hours and centrality. Over a certain time period, I am looking into which developers have high centrality (closeness value around 0.5) and high degree (participation). To research this further, I have modified Nathan and Dr. Meneely's query to search which subsystems/filepaths the developer has commit to.

SELECT COUNT(c.commit_hash), COUNT(cf.filepath) FROM commits c INNER JOIN commit_filepaths cf ON (c.commit_hash=cf.commit_hash) WHERE author_id = [dev_id];

Nathan has been assisting me in my issue by manually searching for interesting developers based on their betweenness and closeness metric values. I have been working with his developers and plan to see how this correlation changes over certain time frames.