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Archangel is a headless CMS.


  • Ruby 3.0.3 (see .ruby-version)
  • Node >=16.14.0 (see package.json)
    • Install using NVM with nvm install && nvm use
      • Install NVM using Homebrew with brew install nvm
  • Yarn >= 1.16.0 (see package.json)
    • Install using Homebrew with brew install yarn
  • ImageMagick >= 6.x
    • Install using Homebrew with brew install imagemagick
  • PostgreSQL >= 12.3
    • (when running local tooling)
      • Install using Homebrew Cask with brew install --cask postgres
    • Docker App (when running with Docker)
      • Install using Homebrew Cask with brew install --cask docker


Install or update application including dependencies

$ bin/setup

Environment Variables

Create or recreate the environment variables file

$ cp -i .env.sample .env

You will need to edit the .env file accordingly


There are two ways to run the application; locally or with Docker


First, ensure is running. Set up the database by running

$ bin/rails db:prepare

Start the server by running the following command in the console

$ bin/rails s

In your browser go to http://localhost:3000

Sample Data

The database is empty by default. Seed the database with sample data

$ bin/rails db:seed


Migrations can be run with the following command

$ bin/rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development


If Redis is needed (for background workers), either change the JOB_QUEUE_ADAPTER environment variable to inline to make it run in the same process or start a Redis server such as which can be installed with Homebrew Cask with brew install --cask jpadilla-redis


First, make sure the domains used are in the /etc/hosts file

$ sudo sh -c "echo  www.archangel.local >> /etc/hosts"
$ sudo sh -c "echo  archangel.local >> /etc/hosts"

Next, ensure the Docker app is running. Set up the database by running

$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose run app rails db:prepare

Start the server by running the following command in the console

$ docker-compose up

In your browser go to http://archangel.local or http://localhost:3000

NOTE: binding.pry does not work inside Docker without attaching the process. To use pry with Docker, a bin script has been created. To use pry with Docker, start the server by running bin/dev

Sample Data

The database is empty by default. Seed the database with sample data

$ docker-compose run app rails db:seed


Migrations can be run with the following command

$ docker-compose run app rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development


To run the entire test suite, run

$ bin/test

This will drop the test database, recreate it then run the RSpec test suite.

It is not always necessary to drop and recreate the database as the schema does not often change. To run the test suite without dropping and recreating the database, you can simply run

$ bundle exec rspec spec


CircleCI is used to test the application.

To test the application as CircleCI would test it, first install the runner with

$ brew install circleci

Run tests as CircleCI

$ circleci local execute --job rspec

Validate the config file

$ circleci config validate

Code Coverage

Code coverage is visualized with Simplecov

View coverage with

$ open coverage/index.html


Yard is used to generate documentation.

Build the documentation

$ yard doc

Build the documentation and list all undocumented objects

$ yard stats --list-undoc


Swagger API documentation

Test API integrations

$ bundle exec rspec spec/integration

Generate Swagger documentation

$ rake rswag:specs:swaggerize

In your browser go to http://localhost:3000/swagger/index.html or https://archangel.local/swagger/index.html

NOTE: When changes are made to the API and therefore any integrations in spec/integration, you will need to test the integrations and generate a new Swagger definition. A bin script has been created for this. Test integrations and build a Swagger definition by running bin/swag


Swagger validate can be found at Paste the contents of swagger/v1/swagger.yml into the validator to find any issues.


Several tools are used to ensure code is styled, linted and formatted correctly.


Brakeman is a static analysis security vulnerability scanner for Ruby.

$ bundle exec brakeman && open brakeman.html


DatabaseConsistency is used to check the consistency of the database constraints with validations.

$ bundle exec database_consistency


ESLint is for Javascript linting. ESLint is installed with Yarn.

In general, it's best to run this linter within your IDE with available integrations such as Atom, Sublime Text or VS Code.

Manually run ESLint for the repo

$ yarn run eslint .


i18n-tasks checks for missing and unused translations. i18n-tasks is installed with Bundler.

Translations are checked in tests. Only check for translation issues by running the tests with bundle exec rspec spec/i18n_spec.rb or running the entire test suite.

Manually run i18n-tasks

$ i18n-tasks health


Rubocop is for Ruby linting. Rubocop is installed with Bundler.

In general, it's best to run this linter within your IDE with available integrations such as Atom, Sublime Text or VS Code.

Manually run Rubocop for the repo

$ rubocop


Stylelint is for SASS, SCSS and CSS linting. Stylelint is installed with Yarn.

In general, it's best to run this linter within your IDE with available integrations such as Atom, Sublime Text or VS Code.

Manually run Stylelint for the repo

$ yarn run stylelint "**/*.scss"