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A delightful and powerful ORM system to improve the API of CmsMadeSimple.

Why should i use an ORM framework into my own module

Less code (up to -75%) equals less bug and obviously it's a easier way to manage your modules. this framework provide a impressive list of basics CRUD's functionalities but also advanced functionalities :

  • findAll, findById, findByIds, countAll, delete, save
  • findByExample, deleteByExample
  • A caching system for the best performances +
  • Primary Keys, Foreign Keys, Associate Keys (many-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many)
  • A lot of Type of Field : String, Integer, Buffer, Date, Time, DateTime, UUID, ... and will generate the best field for your configuration (eg : tinyint for a small Integer) +
  • "Unique key", "default values", ... functionalities
  • Use the *_seq tables like cmsmadesimple does but let you using the [mysql autoincrement] if you want.
  • Will load automatically the clusters of objects (lazy-mode=false)
  • manage the "composite primary key" functionality

And we're already thinking about the future

  • minimizing the memory footprint.+
  • improving the retro-generator for a unique and massive generation of the entity file. +
  • improving the cache system to allowing a better cache of the results. + +au
  • create "entity" on the fly to improving our unit tests +
  • implementing PHP trait to allowing using AND Orm AND other module like CgExtension in our modules in the same time. +
  • ...

All these functionalities will allow you to remove all the Mysql / Adodb Stack from your module.

In another vein it's important to remember that this framework is very light, based on the best practice of php, CmsMadeSimple and adodb. It's totally compatible with the API of CmsMadeSimple and it won't break your own code if you would like to migrate a existing module

And because an example is worth a thousand speeches, here an example with an install file in a random CmsMadeSimple Module

Create your tables was something like this :

$db =& $this->GetDb();

$db_prefix = cms_db_prefix();
$dict = NewDataDictionary($db);
$flds= "
  	id I,
    textid C(32),
		description C(255)

$taboptarray = array('mysql' => 'TYPE=MyISAM');
$sqlarray = $dict->CreateTableSQL(cms_db_prefix().'module_quotegroups', $flds, $taboptarray);
$db->CreateSequence( cms_db_prefix()."module_quotegroups_seq" );

Now you can simply code this :

//Instanciate a new Css entity
$css = new Css();

//Create its table

In the same way you can reduce the code to insert a line.

$new_css_id = $db->GenID(cms_db_prefix() . "css_seq");
$css_name = "Module: Quotes Made Simple";
$css_text = file_get_contents('stylesheet.css');
$media_type = '';
$query = "INSERT INTO " . cms_db_prefix() . "css (css_id, css_name, css_text, media_type, create_date, modified_date) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
$result = $db->Execute($query, array($new_css_id, $css_name, $css_text, $media_type, $db->DBTimeStamp(time()), $db->DBTimeStamp(time())));

With the Orm framework you will write a readable code :

//Instanciate a new Css entity
$css = new Css();

//Populate values
$css->set('css_name','Module: Quotes Made Simple');

//Save the entity

So have you other questions ?

Where should i start ?

  • You should start by taking a look on the wiki of this project.
  • After making your first step with the documentation you could try by yourself the Orm-Skeleton module to see how it's good to doing so much with so few code
  • If you need to start your project you can also read the manual of the death with our apidoc fully up-to-date !
  • Okay so you need more functionalities ? why don't you share your ideas with us ! i love the ideas <3