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ANN Project File

Bahrudin Hrnjica edited this page Dec 1, 2018 · 7 revisions

annproject file

In this section it will be briefly described the structure of the annproject file.The annproject file is the main file type for ANNdotNET GUI tool. The project file is defined to hold information about raw data set from which the ml data sets will be created, list of currently created ML configurations and parser details. The ann project can hold arbitrary number of ml configuration files. The project file can be created by pressing New command in ANNdotNET.Two kind of ann project can be created:

  • Default - which support classic table based data frame set, where the data is separated in different columns.It is also support generation of Data Frame from time series data.
  • Image classification - specially developed for Image Classification ML.

Diferent ann project types

The annproject file consists of 3 keywords:

  • project: - contains information of the project
  • data: - contains information about raw data set.
  • parser: - parser information while parsing rawdataset file.

project: - contains the following parameters:

  • Name: – name of the annproject,
  • Type:- type of the annproject file.Supported types: (Default, ImageClassification, NoRawData)
  • ValidationSetCount: - the size of validation data set,
  • TestSetCount - the size of test data set
  • PrecentigeSplit: - is the validation data set size in percentage while creating it,
  • MLConfigs: - list of created ml configurations,
  • Info: - ProjectInfo.rtf file consists project information.

For example, the following text represent default annproject :

!annprojct file for daily solar production
project:|Name:SolarProduction |Type:Default |ValidationSetCount:20 |PrecentigeSplit:1|MLConfigs:LSTMMLConfig |Info:

!raw data set and metadata information
!parser information
parser:|RowSeparator:rn|ColumnSeparator: ;|Header:0|SkipLines:0

The text above defined the project Solar production annproject, where raw data set stored in SolarProduction_rawdata.txt, and contains three columns: time,solar.past and columns. The first column (time) is marked as ignored which means it will be excluded from the creation of the ml ready data set. The solar.past column is marked as feature, and solar.current is marked as label.

Both feature and label are numeric column. Those information is enough that ANNdotNET tool can created ml ready data sets. The last parser keyword is used while the raw data set is loaded into the memory.