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Structure of ANNdotNET solution

Bahrudin Hrnjica edited this page Oct 15, 2018 · 4 revisions

The ANNdotNET open source project is Visual Studio based solution, contains several projects grouped into logical solution folders. In order to build the solution, the user needs at least Visual Studio 2017 Community version which can be freely downloaded. ANNdotNET solution can be grouped on several components:

  • The library
  • Console Tool
  • GUI Tool
  • Excel AddIn
  • Unit Tests and Test applications

The library consists of several dlls which logically separate the implementation. It provides foundation of data processing and preparation, neural network configuration, implementation of neural network layers, training and handling with mini-batches. The library also provides API for the model evaluation, testing, export and deployment.

Console Tool is console-based tool, which can be run from Visual Studio, and can perform project handling, model configuration handling, training and evaluation of models.

GUI Tool is Windows Desktop application which provides rich set of options and visualizations during machine learning steps: data preparation, model training, evaluation and validation, export options and model deployment. Currently only WPF based GUI Tool is implemented. Easily it can be implemented ASP.NET or another web based or desktop-based GUI.

Excel AddIn is implementation of Microsoft Office AddIn for model deployment in to Excel. Using ANNdotNET Excel AddIn, trained model can be used in Excel like ordinary excel formula. This is very handy for model deployment into production when only Excel is need in order to used the model.

Unit Tests – set of unit tests and console projects which test the implementation of the library. ANNdotNET solution structure

System requirements

In order to run and develop ANNdotNET based solution the following system requirements must be met: Windows 8 x64 or higher,

  • Visual Studio 2017 (Community, Professional or Enterprise),
  • .NET Framework 4.7.2,
  • .NET Core 2.0
  • Git source control tool.