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Releases: burtcorp/athena-jdbc


30 Jul 21:20
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The main change in this release is the introduction of retries for S3 download errors (#22).

On the development side of things, the test suite has been improved to be more deterministic (#20).


30 Apr 17:17
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This release primarily changes how additional requests for additional data is requested from S3, making it much more likely that we stay relatively close to the desired 32MB buffer (#19).

In addition, this fixes an encoding issue (#12), bumps the AWS SDK dependency mainly to solve an issue with IP-address caching (#17).

Also, the build system was overhauled, and this release was performed automatically using the standard maven releaser workflow (#15).


05 Jul 16:02
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build 1, 2019-07-05

This release changes the result loading mechanism to stream result sets from S3 instead of using the GetQueryResults API call. It's slightly slower for results with fewer than 1000 rows, but very much faster than the official driver for larger result sets. Hopefully the performance for small results can be improved before the final 0.2.0.

build 2, 2019-09-30

In addition to the above, this release adds proper query timeouts: when a query runs over the given limit it is cancelled, and an exception is thrown. See #4 for more information.

The release also improves the error handling. See #1 for more information.


28 Jun 09:36
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First release! This version works, but may have rough edges. Its performance is worse than the official driver on result sets with more than one page (1000+ rows), but faster when the result fits in one page.


30 Apr 11:14
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Initial release. This version should work, but will have a lot of rough edges. Help us out making it better.