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[in progress] Docker Images

kench edited this page Nov 3, 2014 · 4 revisions

Docker images for Concerto are still a work-in-progress. Nothing in this document is meant for general consumption yet.


The latest Concerto image from GitHub is available in the Docker Registry. Pull and run it using the following commands:

docker pull concerto/concerto-base

docker run -d -p 8080:80 concerto/concerto-base:unstable


We have Docker images for those interested in deploying Concerto using Docker. Docker is a software project that automates the deployment of applications with a software-defined container.

The Concerto Docker image will depend on the latest Debian stable Docker image and work up from there. We will offer two versions for users, a concerto/concerto image for those who want to use a separate MySQL instance or Docker container (MySQL has official Docker images) and a concerto/concerto-full image for those that want zero configuration out-of-the-box.

Docker provides some lightweight/weak reproducibility of builds when we depend on tagged Docker containers and allows us to distribute upgrades in a "binary delta" form. At some point, we could be able to distribute VM images running CoreOS and configured to download and run the Docker image out of the box.

Proposed Release Strategy

Docker image will live under concerto/concerto. It depends on the concerto/concerto-base image.

A base Concerto Docker image will live under concerto/concerto-base. The concerto/concerto-base image will automatically build against the concerto/concerto GitHub repository. The concerto/concerto-base image will have the following tags:

  • latest - tracks latest stable Concerto release. It will need to track against a stable branch on Git.
  • testing - tracks beta release candidate. The Concerto development team will update this Git branch when a release candidate is cut.
  • unstable - tracks concerto/concerto master branch.

We will also have version tags for each Concerto version for those that want to freeze their Concerto version.