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bamnet edited this page Nov 23, 2010 · 2 revisions

To support a variety of content types, Concerto 2 uses a series of partials to render content uniformly across views. These partials can, if needed, be backed with a variety of model methods or the use of the ContentController's display method to serve file data.

Usage in a view

Anywhere you want to display actual content, like a graphic image or ticker text, you should be calling the render_content function like this:

  render_content(@content, {:type => "grid"})

The @content (which doesn't need to be an instance variable) must be the Content instance you'd like to render (i.e a Graphic, Ticker, or other child class of Content). The type key in the following hash specifies what rendering instance is being called. The grid view would specify a grid type of rendering, a content#show page might use a show_page rendering, etc. These renderings (you can make them up on your own) must be lowercase non-breaking strings, so don't get tricky and try to put a space in there. You can pass additional parameters via the hash should you so desire, the entire thing will get sent along to the rendering partial.

Developing the partial

When you request a render_content function with type "grid" the system is going to look at the content type (for example Graphic) and then look for the render_grid partial within the folder for that content type. In essence, if @content is a graphic, calling render_content(@content, {:type => "grid"}) will trigger:

render :partial => 'contents/graphic/render_grid', :locals => {:content => @content, :options => {:type => "grid"}

To catch this, you'll need to build contents/graphic/_render_grid.html.erb that responds appropriately to a local variable content. For a simple ticker text situation, /contents/ticker/_render_grid.html.erb might just look like:

<%= truncate( %>

These partials will need to be build for every type of content in the system. If you are authoring a new content plugin, you should see (insert link to list of partials we use) to figure out what partials you'll need to support in a regular Concerto 2 installation.

...but my life isn't as simple as rendering some text

If you need to return a file somewhere as a result of your content rendering (i.e a resized image) your best bet is to define the rendering partial such that it references a file path (i.e put this in your image_tag for the image path) that we can control on a per-content-type level, like:

display_content_path(content, :width => 10, :height => 10)

The ContentController has a display method (and corresponding route) that will ask the the current piece of content to render and return a Media instance with the relavent file attributes (file_data, file_name, file_type) set. The render method must be defined on the Content model, so models/Graphic.rb might have a simple render method that looks like:

def render(options={})
    require 'RMagick'
    @media = self.medias.original.first

    image =
    image.resize!(options[:width].to_i, options[:height].to_i)

    file =
      :attachable => self,
      :file_data => image.to_blob,
      :file_type => image.mime_type,
      :file_name => @media.file_name

    return file