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Create PatientLifecycle

Zsolt Kovács edited this page May 18, 2017 · 10 revisions

Sequence of actions using the Cristalise GUI to create PatientLifecycle CompositeActivityDesc

  1. Use CompositeActivityDefFactory Item to excecute CreateNewCompositeActivityDef Activity CompositeActivityDefFactory

    1. Select /desc/dev/CompositeActivityDefFactory in the tree browser
    2. Right-click on the icon and select Activity CreateNewCompositeActivityDef
    3. Type PatientLifecycle into input field ObjectName
    4. Type tutorial into input field SubFolder
    5. Push Done button
  2. Use PatientLifecycle Item to execute EditDefinition Activity PatientLifecycle

    1. Select /desc/ActivityDesc/tutorial/PatientLifecycle in the tree browser
    2. Right-click on the icon and select Activity EditDefinition
    3. Edit the CompositeActivty layout PatientLifecycle
      1. Click on the Create vertex icon (second icon from the left)
      2. Click on big canvas. It opens the New Atomic Activity Window
      3. Select SetPatientDetails Activity from the list
      4. Click OK
    4. Set the new Activity as start vertex PatientLifecycle
      1. Click on the Activity rectangle in red
      2. Clikc in the magic wand icon (second from right) to set Activity to be first vertex. It shall change the colour to green
    5. Push Done button PatientLifecycle
  3. Create the version 0 of the ActitityDesc PatientLifecycle

    1. Select /desc/ActivityDesc/tutorial/PatientLifecycle in the tree browser
    2. Right-click on the icon and select AssignNewSchemaVersionFromLast
    3. Push Done button
    4. Select Data Viewer tab
    5. Select Outcome type = CompositeActivityDef and check (last, 0) properties of Event 3. The main section shall show the layout of your newly created workflow PatientLifecycle
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