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David Capello edited this page Feb 24, 2023 · 8 revisions

Clip Library


Check the API reference.

How to use it?

You can add a submodule into your git repository:

git submodule add clip

Then you can add the clip subdirectory in your CMakeLists.txt file:

# Disable clip examples and tests
set(CLIP_EXAMPLES OFF CACHE BOOL "Compile clip examples")
set(CLIP_TESTS OFF CACHE BOOL "Compile clip tests")

# In case that you have ${PNG_LIBRARY} set to support copy/paste images on Linux

# Add clip subdirectory to compile the library

Finally your project will need to be linked with the clip library:

target_link_libraries(my-project clip)

And then you can include the clip/clip.h file (or just clip.h) to start using the library:

#include "clip/clip.h"

int main() {
  clip::set_text("Hello World");

Who is using clip?

The clip library was developed mainly for Aseprite, but there are several projects that we've found using it so far:

  • agsimgui: Dear ImGui plugin for Adventure Game Studio
  • Blueberry: Includes a C# (CLR) wrapper
  • clip2png2clip: Convert image in clipboard to PNG, copy the PNG's data URL to clipboard
  • clipboard-helper: A helper utility to copy text into the clipboard used by a Clipboard History Manager extension
  • clipboard-uploader: Uploads the clipboard content into pastebin and imageshack
  • Cross-Platform-Pass-Man: A cross platform command-line password manager (can copy a password into the clipboard)
  • MoCkErY: Gets the clipboard text (e.g. Something like this), changes the case of each letter (e.g. SoMeThInG LiKe ThIs), and replaces the clipboard text
  • node-native-clip: A node.js wrapper
  • passtis: ncurses password manager
  • RadioStream: Simple, fast and light-weight radio player for desktop. Can copy different fields into the clipboard (song title, station name, URL)
  • rust-clip-sys: A rust wrapper
  • Shellextcopypath: A Windows Explorer extensions to copy the full path of a set of file items
  • tev: High dynamic range (HDR) image comparison tool for graphics people with an emphasis on OpenEXR images
  • uploadr: Uploadr is a simple CLI tool made to be a drop-in replacement for the now deprecated sharenix
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