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Ian Mayo edited this page Nov 15, 2018 · 12 revisions

Note: if I've missed anything off here, please ask - and I'll put it in

  • Debrief: desktop workbench application used for analysis of maritime engagements
  • Debrief-Lite: cut-down version of Debrief, used by deployed analysts & infrequent users
  • Vessel: a ship or submarine
  • Frigate: a type of ship
  • Timestamp: a date/time combination
  • Course: the direction a vessel is travelling int
  • Fix: a single time-stamped status for a vessel (time, location, course, speed)
  • Track: the series of fixes for a vessel
  • Bearing: the direction (angle) from one point to another. Also called Absolute Bearing
  • Relative Bearing: this is the angle measured from the way a ship is pointing. So a point directly ahead would be zero relative bearing. A point directly to the right of the direction of travel would be 90 degrees. Over to the left, it could be expressed as -90, or 270 degrees.
  • Ambiguous Bearing: for some sensors, it isn't possible to produce a single bearing to the transmitted. It's only possible to produce two relative bearings, one either side of the way the vessel is heading. See an example in this image: . In order to work with the bearings, the analyst has to decide which of the two is the real bearing. This process is called Resolving bearing ambiguity.
  • Range: the distance between two points
  • Narrative: a ship's log, a diary of events that happen during an exercise
  • Narrative Entry: a single event in a narrative. Will always contain date/time plus description, may also contain other metadata.
  • Trial : an experiment at sea, typically testing a new piece of equipment
  • Exercise: an experiment at sea, typically testing a new tactic
  • Serial: small part of a trial or exercise
  • OTG Mode: the conventional way of building up a series of track positions, using Over The Ground. The values of time/lat/long are read directly from data-file
  • DR Mode": an alternate way of building up a series of track positions, using Dead Reckoning to overcome problems in some navigation systems. Instead of using all the Lat/Long values, we use the first Lat/Long value as our origin, then work out successive positions using the time interval plus the values of course and speed.
  • Debrief: this application
  • ASSET: a simulator that uses a lot of Debrief components. So many that it sits in the same repo
  • Limpet: a separate application that is used for bulk data analysis. Debrief uses one of it's UI components.