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-------------Emergence of Natural Selection-------------

  1. git clone --recurse-submodule (or after clone, do "git init submodule " and "git submodule update --init --recursive")

  2. Install the required Juce version somewhere (like a "Software" folder) with
    git clone --branch=develop-local

  3. In the Juce folder, go in extras/Projucer/Builds/[YourOS]
    For Linux make -j 4
    For Mac open Projucer.xcodeproj with xcode and compile

Possible errors and how to fix

  • Compiler g++ must be installed: sudo apt install g++
  • If you get an error about package freetype2 missing, install package libfreetype6-dev with sudo apt install libfreetype6-dev
  • If you get an error about file curl.h missing, install virtual package libcurl-dev with e.g. sudo apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev
  • Xlib.h missing -> sudo apt install libx11-dev
  • Xrandr.h missing -> sudo apt install libxrandr-dev
  • Xinerama.h missing -> sudo apt install libxinerama-dev
  • Xcursor.h missing -> sudo apt install libxcursor-dev
  1. Open Projucer (in the build folder) and load EmergenceNS.jucer

  2. In File>Global path, add the Path to Juce.

  3. Click on the top right icon: "Sign in", and select "Enable GPL Mode"

  4. Save the project in File->Save Project

  5. Make sure you have z3 installed (sudo apt install z3) and that the command "z3" works in your terminal.

=> Next steps to be done after every git pull:

  1. Compile with xcode '.../EmergenceNS/Builds/MacOSX/EmergenceNS.xcodeproj' for Mac, or with make -j 2 in EmergenceNS/Builds/LinuxMakefile for Linux /!\ Warning: on Mac use version 14 or less

Possible errors and how to fix

  • ft2build.h missing -> in Projucer, add "/usr/include/freetype2" in the Header Search Paths of "Debug" and "Release" config of Linux MakeFile
  • package gtk+ not found -> sudo apt install build-essential libgtk-3-dev
  • package webkit2gtk-4.0 not found -> sudo apt install libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev
  1. In case z3 is not found, specify path (e.g. /usr/local/bin/z3) in View/Settings