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Releases: deniskup/EmergenceNS

CAC computation

08 Nov 21:03
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-CAC computation, printed to PAC_list with witnesses
-z3 path
-auto rename of reactions
-updated juce and juce_organicui to current version
-fixed bug on RACs
-dt with 5 decimals instead of 3

EmergeNS Release v1.0.8

07 Nov 17:58
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PAC and RAC definition changed: all entities must increase
Updated Projucer
Renaming of reactions

EmergenceNS v1.0.7

28 Apr 15:19
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Release of EmergenceNS for Mac.

The Application can be found in EmergenceNS_Mac/MacOSX_CI/build/Release/

For authorization reasons, it seems that for the SAT Solver to work, you have to launch the program from the terminal, by launching directly the executable by going to the folder /MacOSX_CI/build/Release/ and launching ./EmergenceNS

Be sure to have Z3 installed for the PAC computation, the z3 command in a terminal should work on your computer.

To organize your layout, select the windows in "View". The main windows are:
-Simulation: the main window where you can set the time parameters, see the concentration curves, save and load a simulation
-Entities/Reactions list of entities/reactions
-Generation: parameters to generate a new simulation
-RACs: see the RACs after a simulation
-Inspector: see details of selected entities/reactions and modify them
-Logger: see messages sent by the program: state of the simulation, RAC List, etc
-Settings: options for PAC search, including the path to Kissat, printing of PACs, and bounds for exploration

Usage to explore a new simulation:
-click "Generate" or "Gen. & Start"
-compute PACs with ⌘+P or "Simulation: PACs with Z3"
-you can start to see the RACs
-to modify manually the entities/reactions, load them with "Simulation: Simul->Lists", this is done automatically if the Autoload box is checked in settings.
-if you create some new ones, load them to the simulation with "Simulation: Lists->Simuls"
-you can "Start" to restart from initial concentrations, or "Continue" to pick up from current concentrations, displayed and modifiable next to the entity list.

Everything is now saved to a .ens file. The layout can also be independantly saved or loaded.

In File->Global Settings (appears in the inspector), you can set default behaviour of the program, such as autosaving the layout, autoloading previous .ens file, etc.