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The final goal of this project is to controle my smart home automation using TTGO TWatch.

In addition, the code has been made in POO way and being very modular (and commented as well) : should be a good starting point for new projects.


This project can be build using Arduino IDE and needs :


Code convention

  • header files (*.h) are containing class definition and C++ ones the implementation of heavy methods. They have the same name as the class implemented.
  • Tl* files are for tiles definitions which are ordered inside Gui's constructor (Gui.cpp)

User guide


It looks to me very tedious to modify some configuration using a so tiny screen. Consequently some parameters can only be set using the serial console or, worst, simply hard coded in the source.


Wifi SSID and corresponding Password are hardcoded in Network.cpp. Don't forget to comment out

   #include <Maison.h>

which is for my very own usage.

To connect

click on the WiFi icon on the status bar :

  • White : not connected (including after disconnect)
  • Red : an error occurred (please disconnect and then reconnect)
  • Orange : Connection in progress
  • Green : Connected (click on the icon again to disconnect)


The main tile only displays the current date and time with a status bar containing battery level and a step counter. Clicking on it to reset.

	 ~~~~~~~~~~	  ~~~~~~~~~~~~
	l Shutters l <-> l Net stuff  l
	 ~~~~~~~~~~	  ~~~~~~~~~~~~
	   /l\		     /l\
	    l		      l
	   \l/		     \l/
	 --------	 -------------
	| Status | <->	| Time & Date |
	 -------- 	 -------------
			| Scrn set  |
  • On its left, the status tile that is displaying some watch's figures (consumption, RAM, ...).
  • On its bottom, the Screen settings : take in account it's value is not stored but in memory. In case of a reboot, previous value is lost.
  • On its top, the network related tile. It is only available when the WiFi is connected
  • On the top-left, shutters' tiles, only available when MQTT is connected

Power management

DomoWatch has 2 sleep mode to save battery power.

Light Sleep Mode

In this mode, only energy hungry peripherals are stopped :

  • the screen is off
  • the CPU is frozen but the memory is kept as it was

Advantages : very fast, the watch is waken up within a second

Battery lifetime : in this mode, with an average usage and keeping network disabled, the battery expectancies is a bit less than 2 days.

Enter in light sleep :

  • short (< 1.5 seconds by default) press on the bezel button.
  • let the screen inactive the configured period.

The inactive period can have 2 values, and both can be set in the screen settings

  • a shorter one is used when the network is off (30s by default)
  • a longer one is used when the network is activated (60s by default)

In case a network transaction is on way (like time synchronisation), a 3rd unlimited period is used to let the transaction to complete.

Waking up :

  • press the bezel button
  • put the watch screen in front of your face

Deep sleep

Currently disabled as it is trashing the touchscreen

In this mode, the everything is stopped but obviously the real time clock and the step counter.

Disadvantage : the watch tooks 3 seconds to wake up.

Wakeup :

  • press the bezel button


The watch can be totally shutdown by holding the bezel button for 6 seconds.

(useful in case the watch is freezing)

Commands line

Most of settings (date & time, networks, ...) can be set using the console command line. The special command '?' without argument display the list a known commands. With an argument, a short description of the given command.

Known commands : setDate rtc reboot
? setDate
setDate:Set date and time : YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS

This code is inspirited from examples coming with TTGO_TWatch_Library made by Lewis He. Icons came from