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Releases: emawind84/QuestZDoom


24 May 16:24
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qzd14-dev4 Pre-release


19 Mar 15:56
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v15 Pre-release

QuestZDoom Release 15

📢 Important

I can't install the game!
This is an unofficial update for QuestZDoom, in order to install the update you need to uninstall the official version first.

✨Profile Menu
New built in profile system in the game, the plan is to change the implemenetation to make it works with the next launcher update as well, so is possible to create profiles from the launcher and also swap between them directly in game.
The actual implementation rely on the use of different commandline.txt files properly named to build the profile list, is really that easy if you know how to create and edit these files, you find a brief guide in the profile menu. The way profiles are created will change once the launcher update is out, both ways should work once the update is out, but I am not promising anything since I only got a few details regarding the future launcher update. The profile option is at the moment in the experimental menu.

✨Experimental Menu
The exeprimental menu can be enabled from the miscellaneous options.
The new experimental menu is for features in development or for those that still don't have a proper place, that means all the nice things you find in there can change or disappear without notice.

✨Toggle Custom Post-processing Shaders
I enabled the use of custom shaders on a recent update, previously always disabled on mobile, this have the side effect that some mods will not work anymore if shaders don't follow strict rules of GLES. This cvar toggle custom shaders, to avoid breaking things that worked previously. You find the option in the quick menu and in the post processing menu.

🧾 Changelog

Full changelog emawind84/gzdoom@qzd14.5...qzd15.0

  • Merged with GZDoom 4.12.2 release
  • Fix built-in profile not working on PC (a few profiles available in the profiles folder)

📌 Ashes 2063
To fix turning for motorcycle in Ashes 2063, you need to go in Experimental Menu and set the Keep Momentum Threshold to 0.8 or lower, another option is to disable Slidey Movements, this is up to you.
You can turn with strafe (left controller joystick left/right) like in the PC version but is not really VR friendly so I suggest to use the snap turn and you can physically turn as well.

📌 For smooth turning I recommend to set snap-turn angle at 4 or 5
📌 With the OpenXR integration the weapon is slightly offset, you can correct the position by changing three options under VR Options -> VR Weapon Options just after Fat Item Width, play with them to position the weapon to your liking.

For further reading check the wiki pages:

API Changes
Performance recommendation
QuestZDoom Key Mapping
My profile collection
Mods & Fix

⚠️ Known Bugs

  • Screenshot and image on saves don't work with the new OpenXR integration



23 Feb 05:27
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QuestZDoom Release 13 - Powered by LZDoom

📢 Important

I can't install the game!
This is an unofficial update for QuestZDoom, in order to install the update you need to uninstall the official version first.

✨Profile Menu
New built in profile system in the game, the plan is to change the implemenetation to make it works with the next launcher update as well, so is possible to create profiles from the launcher and also swap between them directly in game.
The actual implementation rely on the use of different commandline.txt files properly named to build the profile list, is really that easy if you know how to create and edit these files, you find a brief guide in the profile menu. The way profiles are created will change once the launcher update is out, both ways should work once the update is out, but I am not promising anything since I only got a few details regarding the future launcher update. The profile option is at the moment in the experimental menu.

✨Experimental Menu
The exeprimental menu can be enabled from the miscellaneous options.
The new experimental menu is for features in development or for those that still don't have a proper place, that means all the nice things you find in there can change or disappear without notice.

✨Toggle Custom Post-processing Shaders
I enabled the use of custom shaders on a recent update, previously always disabled on mobile, this have the side effect that some mods will not work anymore if shaders don't follow strict rules of GLES. This cvar toggle custom shaders, to avoid breaking things that worked previously. You find the option in the quick menu and in the post processing menu.

🧾 Changelog

This is the last release based on LZDoom, better performance for mobile devices, this is the recommended version in terms of speed if the mod is supported

Update 13.2

  • change the application id so it can be installed along with other versions of the game, this is because the new version based on GZDoom has really bad performance and so is better to have also the LZDoom version available so we can use it if mods are supported.

Update 13.1

Full Changelog: emawind84/gzdoom@qzd13.0...qzd13.1

Release 13

  • Fix an access violation writing in some scenarios (Crash on Dead Ascension)
  • Fix issues with materials (parallax textures not working in Voxel Doom II)
  • You can organize your commandline profiles inside a folder profiles reducing clutter in the root folder
  • Add new mode to activate objects with hands (new option in experimental menu)
  • Change turn speed based on joystick analog input when using smooth turn
  • fix: fix wrong behaviour of the bfg weapon
  • Oculus VR API has been replaced by OpenXR API
  • Smooth turn improved by using joystick analog input
  • Many integration from gzdoom branch, added support to many more mods
  • Enabled Turn180 special action
  • Double bindings menu
  • Reload individually mainhand and offhand
  • Option to turn on/off Custom Post-processing Shaders
  • feat: backported scaling options for the 2D drawer from Raze.
  • Added QF_3D flag for quakes. When used, the quake thinker will perform a 3D distance check instead of 2D.
  • Add Textured Particles - A_SpawnParticleEx
  • Fix crash on quest firmware v53
  • Add support for Voxel Doom II version 2.1
  • Add WorldOffset field (fix error Unknown identifier 'WorldOffset')
  • Added PitchTo Function (fix error Call to unknown function 'PitchTo')
  • added 'foreach' loop to ZScript. (fix error Cannot initialize non-scalar variable)
  • fix: remove wrong implementation of weapon offset The implementation is done in the submodule
  • fix: wrong implementation for custom weapon offset Separate offset options for 3d model and sprite, also the sprite scale can be changed individually from the global option
  • feat: improve restart after selecting a profile in game. Removed the apply profile button, instead the game will restart right after selecting a profile

📌 Ashes 2063
This update fix turning for motorcycle in Ashes 2063, you need to go in Experimental Menu and set the Keep Momentum Threshold to 0.8 or lower, another option is to disable Slidey Movements, this is up to you.
You can turn with strafe (left controller joystick left/right) like in the PC version but is not really VR friendly so I suggest to use the snap turn and you can physically turn as well.

📌 For smooth turning I recommend to set snap-turn angle at 4 or 5
📌 With the OpenXR integration the weapon is slightly offset, you can correct the position by changing three options under VR Options -> VR Weapon Options just after Fat Item Width, play with them to position the weapon to your liking.

For further reading check the wiki pages:

API Changes
Performance recommendation
QuestZDoom Key Mapping
My profile collection
Mods & Fix

⚠️ Known Bugs

  • Screenshot and image on saves don't work with the new OpenXR integration



24 Feb 17:03
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QuestZDoom Release 14 - Powered by GZDoom


📢 Important

I can't install the game!
This is an unofficial update for QuestZDoom, in order to install the update you need to uninstall the official version first.

✨Profile Menu (mobile only)
New built in profile system in the game, the plan is to change the implemenetation to make it works with the next launcher update as well, so is possible to create profiles from the launcher and also swap between them directly in game.
The actual implementation rely on the use of different commandline.txt files properly named to build the profile list, is really that easy if you know how to create and edit these files, you find a brief guide in the profile menu. The way profiles are created will change once the launcher update is out, both ways should work once the update is out, but I am not promising anything since I only got a few details regarding the future launcher update. The profile option is at the moment in the experimental menu.

✨Experimental Menu
The exeprimental menu can be enabled from the miscellaneous options.
The new experimental menu is for features in development or for those that still don't have a proper place, that means all the nice things you find in there can change or disappear without notice.

✨Toggle Custom Post-processing Shaders
I enabled the use of custom shaders on a recent update, previously always disabled on mobile, this have the side effect that some mods will not work anymore if shaders don't follow strict rules of GLES. This cvar toggle custom shaders, to avoid breaking things that worked previously. You find the option in the quick menu and in the post processing menu.

🧾 Changelog

Release v14

QuestZDoom is now based on GZDoom 4.11.3
400 hours of work, hundreds of conflicts resolved, hundreds of test, more then 7000 commits merged to bring QuestZDoom up to date with GZDoom, this is the final version you all was waiting for, every feature up to version 4.11 of GZDoom is included.

Mobile and PC version will be released starting from this version

Update v14.5

  • Add a shader preference option in postprocessing menu to boost fps a little (10~15 fps). You need to restart the game to apply the changes.

Update v14.4

  • feat: move active profile out of experimental!
  • feat: add a few profiles for main games to show player how build-in profile works
  • fix: player can switch hands even when is dead! only when alive you will be able to swap hands sorry
  • fix: controller input not working with the openvr build when playing on PC using a gamepad
  • fix black screen scenario when starting the game with warp or map option with OpenGL backend using custom startscreen and not the generic one
  • fix: selecting UBO as storage buffer should not remove the SSBO support flag, this flag is important to decide the shader version directive to use. With UBO set, the version was set as 330 core and some mods (Doom PBR) were complaining about unsupported features.
  • feat: enable hardware clip planes and cull distances for mobile if the extension is present

Full Changelog: emawind84/gzdoom@qzd14.3...qzd14.4

Update v14.3

  • fix: lights rendered per eye on walls and flats are not symmetrical, this was mostly visible when the lights were being limited by the max value per flat and wall
  • added some mapping for Index controller (trackpad, and more axes pressed events when using custom profiles in Steam)
  • fixed multisample freezing scene, on mobile not recommended (fps killer)
  • feat: add two cvar to permit read custom binds from iwads and mods and also enable the override for iwads if the user allows it

Full Changelog: emawind84/gzdoom@qzd14.2...qzd14.3

Update v14.2

  • custom shader options can be saved now
  • fix: when in overlay mode enable joystick movements only if the dominant grip is not pushed
  • fix: model rendered with alpha 0 this is bad (no translucenty and sprites get hidden behind)
  • default screen size changed to 1400x1400 (this fix the small menu font scale)

You can change the resolution here if you don't want to reset your config

Ps: there is a donation button just down below 👇

📌 Ashes 2063
To fix turning for motorcycle in Ashes 2063, you need to go in Experimental Menu and set the Keep Momentum Threshold to 0.8 or lower, another option is to disable Slidey Movements, this is up to you.
You can turn with strafe (left controller joystick left/right) like in the PC version but is not really VR friendly so I suggest to use the snap turn and you can physically turn as well.

📌 For smooth turning I recommend to set snap-turn angle at 4 or 5
📌 With the OpenXR integration the weapon is slightly offset, you can correct the position by changing three options under VR Options -> VR Weapon Options just after Fat Item Width, play with them to position the weapon to your liking.

For further reading check the wiki pages:

API Changes
Performance recommendation
QuestZDoom Key Mapping
My profile collection
Mods & Fix

⚠️ Known Bugs

  • Screenshot and image on saves don't work with the new OpenXR integration


Mods and fixes for QuestZDoom

15 Mar 13:48
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Most of these files are fix that add compatbility with OpenGL ES
Just load them after the main file and you are good to go!

Old QuestZDoom Releases

28 Mar 02:43
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Archive of the old releases of QuestZDoom support not provided!


19 Jan 12:07
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This is an unofficial update for QuestZDoom, in order to install the update you need to uninstall the official version first.

QuestZDoom Release 12

More fix, more support for mods and more features!

📢 Important

✨Profile Menu
New built in profile system in the game, the plan is to change the implemenetation to make it works with the next launcher update as well, so is possible to create profiles from the launcher and also swap between them directly in game.
The actual implementation rely on the use of different commandline.txt files properly named to build the profile list, is really that easy if you know how to create and edit these files, you find a brief guide in the profile menu. The way profiles are created will change once the launcher update is out, both ways should work once the update is out, but I am not promising anything since I only got a few details regarding the future launcher update. The profile option is at the moment in the experimental menu.

✨Experimental Menu
The exeprimental menu can be enabled from the miscellaneous options.
The new experimental menu is for features in development or for those that still don't have a proper place, that means all the nice things you find in there can change or disappear without notice.

🧾 Changelog


  • fix: prevent wrong movement and changing angles with some keys event (forward/back/moveleft/moveright).
  • feat: add new keybindings layout Courtesy of President_Koopa. The layout comes also with some binds for BrutalDoom and Gearbox.
  • feat: bring back the search menu
  • feat: add a new menu item to run a command in console. This way we can use the character input grid to type in console, useful with device that don't have support for keyboard input
  • fix player sprite disappearing on mirror when moving
  • resolve save pic creation and screenshot not working on QuestZDoom. Also changed default size for save pic to 300px.

    Toggle option "Store picture to savegame" in experimental menu

  • New option "Purist mode" added to experimental menu, that disable the weapon aim and use the player angles to fire like vanilla doom, someone requested this feature so now you can test it and let me know if there is anything wrong with it, you can play with hands down and aim with your head or you can even disable freelook and the autoaim will do the rest, check the autoaim in the player menu.
  • major shader rework
    • added detail and glow layers from Raze.
    • fixed material setup which could not guarantee that everything was initialized correctly.
    • for warped textures, warp all layers. With this brightmaps finally work on warped textures.
  • Added PitchFromMomentum, UseActorPitch and UseActorRoll to VOXELDEF. Behaves exactly like their 3D model counterparts. Hardware renderer only.
  • feat: add double bindings menu, doublebind can be set directly in game now.
  • Added support for Cheello Voxels project

For further reading check the wiki pages:

API Changes
Performance recommendation
QuestZDoom Key Mapping
My profile collection

⚠️ Known Bugs


🍕Buy me a piece of pizza! I love pizza! 🍕


17 Dec 05:29
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This is an unofficial update for QuestZDoom, in order to install the update you need to uninstall the official version first.

QuestZDoom Release 11 - Christmas Update



You will find a new built in profile system in the game now, I am not going to advertise the feature too much since I have decided to put it on hold since a launcher update is scheduled with a new profile system that will be different from the one in game. My plan is to change the implemenetation to make it works with the next launcher update as well, so you can create profiles from the launcher and also swap between them directly in game.
The actual implementation rely on the use of different commandline.txt files propertly named to build the profile list, is really that easy if you know how to create and edit these files, you find a brief guide in the profile menu. The way profiles are created will change once the launcher update is out, both ways should work once the update is out, but I am not promising anything since I only got a few details regarding the future launcher update. The profile option is at the moment in the experimental menu that can be enabled from the miscellaneous options.
The new experimental menu is for features in development, that means all the nice things you find in there can change or disappear without notice.

🎅 Changelog 🎅🏿


  • improved performance with dynamic lights (three new advanced options under dynlight menu)
  • fixed missing reflection when skybox is disabled or when using global fade effect
  • the player sprite on mirror will not rotate and will always face the player. In VR when looking in a mirror the sprite of the player turns in an inconsistent way. We don't really need to see us rotate in the mirror right?
  • fixed nightvision not affecting skydome and global fade effect - removed uGlobalFadeMode value 3 not used anymore
  • added three options under vr options menu to move and scale a weapon sprite, usefull with mods that don't have 3d weapons available, when the weapon sprite is too big and not centered on the controller (check the wiki page API Changes, link down below).
  • Many action functions have been corrected to work with weapon orientation.
  • Action functions horizontal and vertical offsets can be enabled by turning on the option from the experimental menu.
  • fixed bug when momentum is disabled, the player vertical velocity is zeroed before touching the floor, this prevent lava and such floors from inflicting damage to the player.
  • fixed bug when moving a weapon to the other hand, don't pick the next weapon if it has twohanded flag A twohanded weapon was still picked up causing the immediate deselection of the moved weapon. If I am moving a weapon to the other hand I would like to use it right away.
  • fixed movement on lift when going down airfriction is applied to velocity making the player sliding (the issue is present with momentum enabled) - smothed the vertical movement when on lift, the platform should be more stable when moving on the lift
  • fixed sigil weapon third form attack wrong angle and pitch causing all the missile to fire with the same angle and pitch
  • added missing sounds for Grenade actor (converted in ogg from Skulltag)
  • added three new options to misc menu, load lights, load brightmaps and disable autoload, since we can not change them from the launcher on qzd.
  • added three options under vr menu to offset the weapon position in vr
  • fix: when helding two weapons and one of them is auto firing at fast rate, the other will not be able to fire. The player property attackdown is used for both readyweapon and offhandweapon, this create the issue, added a new property for the offhand weapon and refactored the method CheckWeaponFire. Also fixed mugshot tick function so both readyweapon and offhandweapon are checked for the rampagetimer.
  • added the gameplay option Always spawn multiplayer objects into qzd so you can play the ultra violence+ mode added to the unity port.
  • fix: added new option to misc menu to enable the spawn offset for weapon action functions, disabled by default since it breaks mods using offset based on player height and position (moved to experimental menu).
  • added new profile option to experimental menu (A new temporary way to switch between mods by using different commandline files, how-to in the menu)
  • new experimental menu, can be enabled with a new option from the misc menu.
  • feat: removed questzdoom info and credits from the cheat menu mod, moved into main menudef - also added the give all cheat under the command 'Give me everything!'
  • fix: request storage permission without the need of exit the game, it will still crash if it can't find any iwad to start the game.
  • beautified the info and credits menu, we have a custom questzdoom logo patch in the game now so take a look!
  • many other fixes (check the changelog on the wiki)

For further reading check the wiki pages:

API Changes
Performance recommendation

🎁 Trailblazer for QuestZDoom

Download it here
The mod has been modified to work with the release 11 of QuestZDoom, full dual wield binding is required to use two weapons, all weapons fire states have been fixed to work with weapon orientation in VR.
Most of the weapons having left and right fire have been split and they can be held with mainhand and offhand. Some exceptions are weapons like Colts (one unique sprite, it cannot be split), they can be used by pressing Fire and Offhand Fire buttons (originally Fire and Alt fire) and they are held with one hand only.
Recommended cvars to start the mod with:
+r_weapscale 0.6 +r_weaphpos 34 +r_weapvpos 55

⚠️ Known Bugs

  • Profile list showing same profile multiple times
  • If a profile title is too long will not show correctly (only when using #TITLE inside the file)
  • Graphics I made for the qzd logo and christmas will looks fine when playing with Doom iwads, but if you play with Hexen or Strife, the color palette will not looks right. Will be fixed on the next update.
  • The christmas mod I temporarily added will show up in the mods section in the Launcher, the game will crash if the mod is selected. Do not select that mod since is loaded automatically.

🎄 Final Notes

I want to thank everyone involved in the project, without them this game would not exist in the first place.
I personally put my soul into this game, I love programming even though is really a love and hate relation. Making things work as they should, reading and watching people playing something which I put lots of energy into is of great satisfaction.

🍕Buy me a piece of pizza! I love pizza!!!!! 🍕


05 Jun 15:59
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This is an unofficial update for QuestZDoom, in order to install it you need to uninstall the official version first.

Bug fix & ZScript update


3.88-r10a (2022-06-11)


  • added option 'Display mirrors' in opengl preferences
  • fixed A_WeaponOffset to work with offweapon

3.88-r10 (2022-06-04)



🍕Buy me a piece of pizza!


11 Nov 14:44
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This is an unofficial update for QuestZDoom, in order to install it you need to uninstall the official version first.

Dual Wield Update



3.88-r5e (2022-06-06)


  • fixed A_WeaponOffset to work with offweapon
  • hud models: add nullptr check for psprites without caller.
  • when holding the main weapon with two hands the offhand weapon will be hidden and the firing action disabled, this is an update to the dual wield functionality to integrate it with the two handed weapon mechanics.
  • separated sound channel between left and right weapon, this should prevent random sound cut originated from the offhand weapon when using dual wield.

3.88-r5c (2022-03-17)


  • fixed movement glitch and fps drop with some custom weapons when using dynamic lights (The VR Flashlight mod was causing any sort of issue with dynlights sprites turned on).
  • separated option to enable dynlights on sprites and weapons, now there is one option to enable dynlights for weapons and one for sprites.
  • fixed issue causing walls and sprites disappearing depending on where the player was looking at. The issue was present on specific custom maps (tested on Void and Rainbow)
  • dynlights for weapons set to off by default

Disabling dynlights on weapons can increase performance by still having dynlights on sprites turned on.

3.88-r5b (2021-11-11)


  • added auto reverse for the weapon model when in offhand
  • added weapon flag NOAUTOREVERSE to prevent the reverse of the model when swapping hand
  • fixed A_ReFire and A_Raise to check PendingWeapon offhandweapon flag against the invoker weapon
  • added missing weapon flags to a_weapons.h

3.88-r5a (2021-11-06)


  • changes to laser-sight mod, replaced option 'Hide on slot 1' with 'Hide with melee weapon'
  • removed twohanded flag from fist style weapons better to keep default weapons all single hand for now
  • changed two ACS functions to work with offhand weapon
    • fixed ACS function CheckWeapon
    • fixed ACS function GetWeapon (added hand parameter, 0 for main hand, 1 for off hand)
  • fixed sprite flash state showing on model frame when using 3d weapons (visible in doom 64 retribution with 3d weapons). This fix a regression added with the offhand system, the bug is only present in the version r5
  • fixed dynlight on offhand weapon I forgot to replace some ReadyWeapon with the more generic psp->GetCaller()

3.88-r5 (2021-10-25)


  • added dual wield system, you can wield two weapons now
  • laser sight mod updated to work with offhand weapon
  • alternative hud updated to work with offhand weapon
  • fixed A_FirePhoenixPL2 to shoot with VR controllers instead of player camera (Heretic PhoenixRod powered)
  • fixed P_SpawnMissileAngleZSpeed to shoot with Vr controllers instead of player camera (Hexen GoldWandPowered, action A_FireGoldWandPL2)
  • fixed P_SpawnSubMissile to shoot with VR controllers instead of player camera (Strife StrifeGrenadeLauncher, action A_FireGrenade)

Updated most of the actions for the original weapons for Doom, Strife, Heretic, Hexen, Chex.
Added two keys for switching hands, is not a swap, you can bring the weapon from one hand to the other, you will have separate inventory on main and offhand so you can bring the weapons to use in the offhand and then switch between them with the offhand switch key.
Check the controls below!

I recommend to disable Two Handed Weapons when using offhand weapon to have a better experience.
If you want to keep the option on, you might want to bind the speed key to another button (default to offhand grip)


Under the controls menu you find a new command named Update missing defaults, just below the reset command, this will update the missing bindings to default state, use it to update the new missing default bindings!

offhand trigger - Offhand fire
main grip + offhand trigger - Offhand alternate fire

main grip + joy up / down - Switch between offhand weapons

main grip + main joystick left - Bring the main weapon to the off hand
main grip + main joystick right - Bring the offhand weapon to the main hand

offhand grip - The new default speed key, previously set to offhand trigger

Mob Compatibility

Brutal Doom is not quiet supported at the moment because of how weapons have been scripted. Shooting with one weapon might trigger the fire from the other and also other actions are synced, this is because of state jump based on inventory items. Just wait for someone to fix the mod.

No other issues so far with other mods have been found.


Actor flags

Added two new weapon flags:

WEAPON.OFFHANDWEAPON - The weapon will be placed on the offhand

WEAPON.NOHANDSWITCH - The weapon can not be moved from one hand to the other

WEAPON.TWOHANDED - The weapon is a two hand weapon so it can not be used together with other weapons, switching to this weapon remove the other weapon currently wield.

WEAPON.NOAUTOREVERSE - The model will not be reversed when moving the weapon to the offhand.

The following flags can be used to tell to shoot from the offhand instead of mainhand when using the following functions:

LineAttack flags:


SpawnPlayerMissile flags:


AimLineAttack flags


RailAttack flags



Actor SpawnMissileAngleZSpeed (double z, class type, double angle, double vz, double speed, Actor owner = null, bool checkspawn = true, int aimflags = 0);



Actor SpawnSubMissile(Class type, Actor target, int aimflags = 0);



RGF_ISOFFHAND (not required)


FPF_ISOFFHAND (not required)

🍕Buy me a piece of pizza!