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Releases: emukidid/Wii64

Wii64 1.3-20211222

22 Dec 06:35
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I figured it's time to make a Wii64 release given that there's been quite a few changes in the repo. The majority of them are courtesy of Not64 which I'd consider more stable than Wii64 itself these days personally, just cause it has undergone more testing. So why do both still exist? Wii64 continued development when Not64 began so it's from an earlier iteration of the base source, and as a result it'd be difficult to merge both projects together at this point. Put both on your Wii and use whichever better suits you!

What's new? Too much to mention over too many years to list, so here's a small summary.

All platforms:

  • Boxart support
  • Rice GFX Plugin
  • GlideN64 plugin improvements/bugfixes
  • Dynarec improvements (recompiled stores/loads, unified r4300 struct)
  • UI bugfixes/memory leaks addressed


  • Introduce expansion pak release
  • "Basic" release without boxart
  • ARAM VM backing store for ROM data


  • Added Wii Remote +Control Pad as analog source
  • NAND VM backing store for ROM data

Wii U "Wii mode" specific stuff:

  • GamePad Support
  • Unlocked multiplier support

Hi-Res Texture Packer (java) v1.2

16 Feb 10:47
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Wii64 Rice video plugin hi-res texture packer.

Converts conventional hi-res texture packs into Wii64 compatible texture packs (pre converts to GX texture format for speed).



Wii64 Rice (Hi-Res pack enabled test build)

16 Feb 10:50
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A Hi-res texture pack enabled build of Wii64 with the Rice Graphics plugin.

This is incomplete (buggy, some types not implemented) and reads a Wii64 converted texture pack from a hardcoded location on SD: /wii64/hires/texture.pak

Use the texture packer from the release section to create the texture pak.


15 Nov 21:39
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Extract this into sd:/wii64/ for boxart support.