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TeamCityPowerShell v1.0.0.0 - Powered by endjin


TeamCityPowerShell is a series of 49 cmdlets that you can use to query TeamCity for information about its state.

$parameters = @{ 
	 ConnectionDetails = @{
		 ServerUrl = ""
		 Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential("teamcitysharpuser", (ConvertTo-SecureString "qwerty" -asplaintext -force))
		 UseSsl = $false
		 IsGuest = $false 
	 BuildConfigId = "bt437"

$builds = Get-BuildConfigsByBuildConfigId @parameters

foreach($build in $builds)
	Write-Host $build.Number


The following cmdlets are supported:

 o Get-AllAgents
 o Get-AllBuildConfigs
 o Get-ArtifactsByBuildId
 o Get-Artifact
 o Get-ArtifactsAsArchive *
 o Get-BuildConfigByConfigurationName
 o Get-AllBuildsOfStatusSinceDate
 o Get-AllBuildsSinceDate
 o Get-AllChanges
 o Get-AllGroupsByUserName
 o Get-AllProjects
 o Get-AllRolesByUserName *
 o Get-AllServerPlugins *
 o Get-AllUserGroups
 o Get-AllUserRolesByUserGroup
 o Get-AllUsers *
 o Get-AllUsersByUserGroup
 o Get-AllVcsRoots
 o Get-BuildConfigByConfigurationId
 o Get-BuildConfigByConfigurationName
 o Get-BuildConfigByProjectIdAndConfigurationId
 o Get-BuildConfigByProjectIdAndConfigurationName
 o Get-BuildConfigByProjectNameAndConfigurationId
 o Get-BuildConfigByProjectNameAndConfigurationName
 o Get-BuildConfigsByBuildConfigId
 o Get-BuildConfigsByConfigIdAndTag
 o Get-BuildConfigsByConfigIdAndTags
 o Get-BuildConfigsByProjectId
 o Get-BuildConfigsByProjectName
 o Get-BuildsByBuildLocator *
 o Get-BuildsByUserName
 o Get-ChangeDetailsByBuildConfigId
 o Get-ChangeDetailsByChangeId
 o Get-ErrorBuildsByBuildConfigId *
 o Get-FailedBuildsByBuildConfigId *
 o Get-LastBuildByAgent
 o Get-LastBuildByBuildConfigId
 o Get-LastChangeDetailByBuildConfigId
 o Get-LastErrorBuildByBuildConfigId *
 o Get-LastFailedBuildByBuildConfigId
 o Get-LastSuccessfulBuildByBuildConfigId
 o Get-LatestArtifact
 o Get-NonSuccessfulBuildsForUser
 o Get-ProjectById
 o Get-ProjectByName
 o Get-ServerInfo
 o Get-SuccessfulBuildsByBuildConfigId
 o Get-VcsRootById
 o New-TeamCityUrl
 o New-TeamCityWebClientConnection

To discover what parameters are required for each cmdlet use the Get-Help cmdlet i.e.:

Get-Help Get-BuildConfigsByBuildConfigId

which will return

Get-BuildConfigsByBuildConfigId [[-ConnectionDetails] <Hashtable>] [[-BuildConfigId] <String>]

The ConnectionDetails hashtable requires the following values

ConnectionDetails = @{
	ServerUrl = ""
	Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential("teamcitysharpuser", (ConvertTo-SecureString "qwerty" -asplaintext -force))
	UseSsl = $false
	IsGuest = $false 

At a minimum the following values are required:

ConnectionDetails = @{
	ServerUrl = ""
	Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential("teamcitysharpuser", (ConvertTo-SecureString "qwerty" -asplaintext -force))

If you don't want to embedd TeamCity credentials you can enter them interactively using:

$parameters = @{ 
	ConnectionDetails = @{
		ServerUrl = ""
		Credential = Get-Credential
	BuildConfigId = "bt437"

Alternatively you can retrieve them disk using this PowerShell Cookbook recipie:

For full documentation on how to use each Cmdlet see the Pester Specifications contained within TeamCity.Tests.ps1 and TeamCity-Artifacts.Tests.ps1

To run the full suite of BDD specs invoke "run-specs.bat" in the root of this project.

  • denotes that the function has a ignored specification pending investigation


TeamCityPowerShell makes use of the following tools and frameworks:

o TeamCitySharp -

o Pester -


TeamCityPowerShell depends on TeamCitySharp which is a .NET 4.0 application. By default PowerShell only supports .NET 2.0 - to enable .NET 4.0 support copy TeamCityPowerShell\SetUp\PowerShell.exe.config to the PowerShell install directory - this allows PowerShell to host the .NET 4.0 runtime.

To import the module use standard PowerShell syntax:

Import-Module C:\Code\OSS\TeamCityPowerShell\Modules\TeamCity

Or if you wish to load everything from the Modules directory, which will sit under your consuming script - you can use the following commands:

$path = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
Import-Module (Join-Path $path "Modules") -Force -DisableNameChecking


Support / Help

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Report bugs & issues on

Credits & Thanks

James Dawson for being the usual partner in crime

Paul Stack & Contributors for TeamCitySharp

Copyright (c) 2012 endjin (@endjin)

Version History

2012.03.24 - v1.0.0.0 - First public release


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