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Freerouting v1.9.0

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@andrasfuchs andrasfuchs released this 30 Oct 12:47
· 136 commits to master since this release

Many things improved since the last release including bug fixes and improvements, and I would like to highlight just a few:

Global settings file (freerouting.json)

We now have a global freerouting.json file stored in the temp folder for all the defaults that we use. They don't cover all the settings we have just yet, but you can still have more control over the processes than before. Command line arguments can override them, just like before. Freerouting now can remember your the default folder from where you opened your last board, yay!

Modern, KiCad-like color schema

The color schema was modified to match KiCad good-looking, more modern look:


Added Segment's Analytics framework to the code, so we finally can get insights from anonymous usage statistics. This is a crucial step moving forward, because the plan is to have a feature reduction release in the near future, where we can get rid of all the functions that are not used by you. You can disable this by using the -da command line argument.

Various changes

We fixed a few issues with keepouts, component rotation and snapshot files, added more robust 2+ layer support, automated version checking, new dialog boxes (with -dct command line argument to set the timeout), fixed high DPI texts, fixed KiCad plugin issues (including on-demand JRE installation) and compile time warnings.

All in all this release is packed with good stuff!

What's Changed

👍New Contributors


I also would like to thank all of our donors: @Digilent, @cpyne and @rozza-m! (see #177 for details)

Full Changelog: v1.8.0...v1.9.0