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Job Page Operations

Alex Osborne edited this page Jul 4, 2018 · 2 revisions

This operation allows you to edit the crawler-beans.cxml file.  The crawler-beans.cxml file contains the Spring configuration of the crawl job.  Editing this file is the standard way to configure a job or profile.


This operation builds the Spring Java classes that are configured through the crawler-beans.cxml file.  Before a job is run it must be built.


This operation launches a crawl job.  Before being launched a job must be built.  Once the job is launched it will be in either a paused state or running state.  If it is in a paused state the "unpause" button must be clicked to start the crawl.  As of Heritrix 3.1, if a checkpoint or multiple checkpoints has/have been run, a checkpoint can be selected from the checkpoint dropdown box.  The job can then be restarted at the checkpoint by clicking "launch".


This operation pauses a running crawl.


This operation unpauses a paused crawl.


This operation writes the current state of the crawl to storage.  During the time the crawl is being checkpointed it is paused and no URIs will be crawled.  Checkpointing is useful if a crawl must be stopped and then restarted at a later time.


This operation stops a crawl. 


This operation will discard the job's current Spring Java classes and allows a new Spring configuration to be built.  Any change to the crawler-beans.cxml file after the "Build" button has been invoked requires a teardown and another build to be run.


This operation allows you to copy the current job configuration to a new job or profile.

Scripting Console

This link displays an input form that can be used to input and execute script commands.  The script commands can be used to control the behavior of a crawl job.  Various scripting languages are available such as AppleScript and ECMAScript.  Examples of scripts can be found here.

Browse Beans

This link displays the hierarchy of Spring beans that make up a crawl job.  The properties and associations of each bean can be viewed or edited by clicking on the bean.


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