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Job Page Data Elements

Alex Osborne edited this page Jul 4, 2018 · 2 revisions
Job name

The name of the job and the number of times the job has been run.

Available checkpoints to recover

As of Heritrix 3.1, if a crawl has been checkpointed, a dropdown box is displayed showing all the checkpoints that were executed.

Job Log

The job log contains a record of commands issued on the job page, including command responses.

Job Status

This area of the job page displays the status of the job.


This area of the job page displays statistics that provide information about the number of documents crawled and downloaded.


This area of the job page lists alerts that the crawl has generated.  Alerts can be problems that abort the crawl or warnings, which do not halt the crawl but may be detrimental to the crawl's outcome.


This area of the job page displays statistics that provide the rates at which documents and bytes of data are being downloaded.  The number of URIs successfully processed per second is shown.  For this statistic both the rate of the latest sampling interval and the average rate (in parenthesis) is shown.  The sampling interval is typically about 20 seconds and can be controlled by the intervalSeconds property of the StatisticsTracker Spring bean.  The latest rate of progress can fluctuate considerably, as the crawler workload varies and housekeeping memory and file operations occur.  This is especially true if the sampling interval has been set to a low value.  Also displayed, is the rate of successful content collection in KB/second for the latest sampling interval and (in parenthesis) the average since the crawl began.


This area of the job page displays statistics that provide load information.  The number of active threads, compared to the total available threads is shown.  Typically, if only a small number of threads are active, it is because activating more threads would exceed the configured politeness settings.  For example, if all remaining URIs are on a single host, no more than one thread will be active, unless parallel queues are enabled.  At times no threads will be active because of pauses for politeness considerations.

Congestion Ratio

The congestion ratio is a rough estimate of how much initial capacity, as a multiple of current capacity, would be necessary to crawl the current workload at the maximum rate available given politeness settings.  This value is calculated by comparing the number of internal queues that are progressing against those that are waiting for a thread to become available.

Deepest Queue

The deepest queue statistic is the longest chain of URIs that must be processed sequentially.  This statistic is a better indicator of the work remaining than the total number of URIs pending.  For example, 1000 URIs in 1000 queues can be completed quickly but 1000 URIs in a single queue will take much longer to complete.  The average depth is the average depth of the last URI in every active sequential queue.


This area of the job page displays the elapsed time in milliseconds that a job has been running excluding time in the "paused" state.


This area of the job page displays the number of threads being used.  The "Threads" text is clickable.  Upon clicking, a detailed report on each thread will be displayed.


This area of the job page displays Frontier statistics such as the number of queued URIs.  The "Frontier" text is clickable.  Upon clicking a detailed frontier report will be displayed.


This area of the job page displays the amount of memory allocated to the Java heap, the amount of memory in use, and the maximum size of the Java heap.

Crawl Log

This area of the job page displays the output of the crawl log.  The crawl log contains detailed information on a running crawl, such as the URIs that have been fetched.


This area of the job page provides access to advanced features that can be used to control a job.

Configuration-referenced Paths

This area of the job page displays paths that are relevant to job configuration and logging.  For example, the path to the crawl.log file is displayed.


Structured Guides:

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Background Reading

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How To Crawl


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