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Releases: itchio/itch


16 Sep 21:17
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  • Switch to new code signing certificate — this should get rid of scary warnings when downloading on Windows 10 💸
  • Downloads are now more reliable — in particular, retry automatically on idle timeouts (can happen on slow connections / temporary slowdowns with download servers)
  • User-friendly version names are shown instead of numeric identifiers (upload display name is used if set, otherwise channel name):

screen shot 2016-09-16 at 23 13 26

- Various other reliability & performance fixes (for example: ignore errors when can't perform self-update check because we're offline, minimize number of requests to upgrade a game to latest version, etc.)


08 Sep 00:19
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  • Add support for large games (4GB+ compressed, 10GB uncompressed) by using an alternative extractor. itch should now happily let you install Aven Colony.


07 Sep 19:40
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  • Fix a bug where some updates to game would be unnecessarily downloaded.


06 Sep 19:27
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  • Skip update check when game is running, closes #871


06 Sep 17:10
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This release fixes locale updates, it closes #869


06 Sep 11:27
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v18.6.3 fixes bug #866 — uninstalling some games could make the app hang indefinitely.

Additionally, 18.6.2 wasn't published to our bintray APT/YUM repositories - 18.6.3 and all future releases will, since there's no manual confirmation step anymore.


26 Aug 13:41
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  • On Windows, when an archive contains a single .exe, itch uses the lsar tool to determine whether it's a self-extracting installer so it can extract it directly. Sometimes lsar returns a non-zero exit code on perfectly valid .exe files — the itch app used to fail install silently (since we switched off of file). It now knows to ignore that, as it means it's definitely not a self-extracting installer. See #857, app can now install FLAW flawlessly again.


12 Aug 19:06
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  • ⬆️ 18.6.1
  • 🐛 Fix update checking (broken by proxy support update in 18.6.0)


07 Aug 07:18
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18.6.0 is a bugfix release.

  • When games change the path of their executables on update, the app now automatically rescans the install folder to find the new location of executable. Developers are encouraged not to do that, as each extra scan makes player wait unnecessarily, but at least it won't prevent the app from launching the games any further.
  • The Windows sandbox sometimes choked on the output_log.txt file created by some Debug builds of Unity games. These errors are now ignored, since they're harmless. They still appear in the game logs.


02 Aug 19:34
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.rar support!

In the past, we tried really hard to wipe .rar off the surface of the earth. But there'll always be old builds of games around that are packed with RARs.

I'm happy to report that the app will now extract .rar files without complaining. This means you can now play The Wild Eight demo, or the classic Momodora II with itch.

In order to do so, we switched away from 7-zip to a new decompression engine (see discussion). unarchiver handles .rar files (and all archive types 7-zip supports) without any license restrictions, making it feasible for us to ship this feature.

The app should still be able to install anything it did before, and more! If it doesn't, please use the Send feedback button (from the main menu, bottom-left) so we can get it fixed.

HTTP proxy support

The app is now usable behind HTTP proxies (useful for universities and work environments, for instance). Simply export the HTTP_PROXY environment variable, if the automatically-detected settings don't work for you.

screen shot 2016-08-02 at 17 52 25


Translation highlight: Swedish & Turkish

Thanks to, respectively, Local Minimum and Talha Kaya, we now have highly-complete (97%+) translations of the app in Swedish and Turkish:

screen shot 2016-08-02 at 17 39 31

These languages join the list of highly-complete translations of the app, along with Norwegian Bokmål, Russian, Japanese, French, and Spanish. Anyone is welcome to contribute translations on our translation server!

Better documentation

The app guide had gotten a bit out-of-date since v0.14. I promised to keep it a living document, so it was given a complete overhaul, including among other things, answers to questions we frequently get from both players and game developers.

screen shot 2016-08-02 at 17 48 36

In particular, it now includes a handy contributor guide that lets you know what you can do to help, if you want to!

Install & download locations

Historically, the app used to install games to an apps subfolder. Now it only does so in the initial install location (so it doesn't clash with the rest of the app install). The app now installs directly in the folder given.

Additionally, it used to download always to the initial install location, filling up your SSD with files. It now downloads to whichever install location is set to default.

Known issue: the app keeps around more files than is strictly needed in downloads folders. This will be resolved in a future release. In the meantime, you can delete the whole folder without causing any issues.

Minor fixes

  • The app no longer makes any requests to an HTTP server on its own, only HTTPS. You're still able to visit HTTP websites from the in-app browser, that's on you! #659
  • diego (our reporting tool) has been improved to report processor architecture (32 or 64-bit) on Windows.
  • Switching to unarchiver has allowed us to simplify some parts of the code quite a bit, and to drop the file(1) utility, which is no longer required to detect self-extracting CAB archives (#836)
  • A bug almost sneaked into the final release (#846) but the combined forces of our QA process thwarted it.