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LoadService loading mechanism

Karol Bucek edited this page Aug 28, 2014 · 2 revisions

JRuby uses LoadService as the main mechanism of loading files for Kernel.require and Kernel.load.

  1. Kernel.require is handled by LoadService.require method and Kernel.load is handled by LoadService.load method.

  2. Both methods create a SearchState object to reflect the search strategy (which boils down to which suffixes ought to be used for the search) and try to find a matching Library with findLibraryBySearchState.

  3. findLibraryBySearchState primarily relies on LibrarySearcher.findBySearchState to resolve paths, but we also use findLibraryWithClassloaders until file resources fully support classpath:/ based paths.

  4. findBySearchState attempts to locate a library by iterating over suffixes from the searchState and attempting to load one of three following libraries:

  1. Builtin libraries, which are registered with LoadService using addBuiltinLibrary.
  2. A ResourceLibrary that is backed by a FileResource. See next section for details.
  3. ClassExtensionLibrary that looks for FooService java class that implements BasicLibraryService for loading.

If a match is found, it is immediately returned.

  1. If a library is found, it gets loaded via its load method.

Handling libraries backed by resources.

ResourceLibrary is located by the findResourceLibrary method. This is the flow that handles the 'regular' ruby loading semantics, so we have to consider path special cases as well as LOAD_PATH:

  • If path starts with ./ or ../, starts with a schema (e.g. file: or jar:) or java.lang.File.isAbsolute returns true for the path, we bypass load paths and treat the path as-is.
  • If path starts with ~/, we replace ~/ with value of ENV["HOME"] and bypass loads paths.
  • Any other cases we iterate over the LOAD_PATH array and look for (LOAD_PATH_ENTRY + "/" + path) path.

After the path mangling step, we create a resource with JRubyFile.createResource. If the return resource actually exists, we return ResourceLibrary that handles the specific of the load or return null if resource points to a non-existent resource.

There are three load strategies for loading libraries backed by a resource:

  1. If path ends with ".jar" (e.g. /foo/bar/lib.jar) we handle it as a 'jar' load. That means adding the path to the jar to the classloader classpath and also attempting to load accompanying BasicLibraryService (e.g. /LibService.class).

  2. If path ends with ".class" we treat it as a compiled script, and use CompiledScriptLoader to load.

  3. In any other cases, we load the script with Ruby.loadFile.

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